Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session A

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
C 10476 ACCT 205 101 Intro Financial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Lecture 0930 1045 G216 T R 3
10477 ACCT 205 901 Intro Financial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10478 ACCT 205 902 Intro Financial Accounting Thomas, Briana Internet 3
10482 ACCT 206 101 Intro Managerial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Lecture 1100 1215 G216 T R 3
10483 ACCT 206 901 Intro Managerial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
11080 ACCT 206 902 Intro Managerial Accounting Bradford, Terence Internet 3
10313 ALHT 102 101 Introduction to Phlebotomy Shepherd, Melissa Lecture 0930 1045 H213 T R 3
10316 ALHT 102L 101 Intro to Phlebotomy Lab Shepherd, Melissa Lab 0800 0925 H221 T R 1
10317 ALHT 102L 102 Intro to Phlebotomy Lab Shepherd, Melissa Lab 1100 1225 H221 T R 1
10318 ALHT 105 901 Medical Ethics and Law Winter, Constance Internet 3
10319 ALHT 105 902 Medical Ethics and Law Winter, Constance Internet 3
10320 ALHT 109 101 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Lecture 1000 1050 B216 M W 2
10321 ALHT 109 102 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Lecture 0930 1020 B117 T R 2
C 10322 ALHT 109 901 Health Care Systems & Safety Winter, Constance Internet 2
10323 ALHT 109 902 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Internet 2
10324 ALHT 109 903 Health Care Systems & Safety Winter, Constance Internet 2
10325 ALHT 109 904 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Internet 2
10949 ALHT 112 101 Basic ECG McGee, Wendy Lect and Lab 1100 1400 B154 T R 4
10949 ALHT 112 101 Basic ECG Anderson, Jeffery Lect and Lab 1100 1400 B154 T R 4
10327 ALHT 116 101 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement McGee, Wendy Lecture 0900 0950 B118 M W F 3
10327 ALHT 116 101 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 0900 0950 B118 M W F 3
10328 ALHT 116 501 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement McGee, Wendy Lecture 1730 2030 B118 R 3
10328 ALHT 116 501 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement Maddry, Cathy Lecture 1730 2030 B118 R 3
10329 ALHT 201 101 Medical Supplies & Patient Pre Mullins, Erica Lect and Lab 1100 1400 B324 T R 4
C 10331 ALHT 206 901 Pathophysiology Williams, Dominique Internet 3
10726 ALHT 207 901 Advanced Medical Language Williams, Dominique Internet 3
10297 ALHT 209 101 Laboratory Testing Shepherd, Melissa Lab 0800 1045 H221 M W 3
10989 AMFG 110 101 MFG Materials and Methods Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 0930 1045 L108 T R 3
10634 AMFG 210 501 Computer Aided Manufacturing Lackman, Lamont Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L234 R 3
10832 ART 101 101 2-D Design Thompson, Lily Lecture 1230 1345 G303 M W 3
C 10139 ART 103 101 Drawing I Thompson, Lily Lecture 1230 1345 G303 T R 3
10142 ART 206 101 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Lecture 1000 1050 G304 M W F 3
10143 ART 206 801 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Hybrid 1100 1215 G304 M 3
10144 ART 206 901 Introduction to Visual Arts Thompson, Lily Internet 3
10145 ART 206 902 Introduction to Visual Arts Thompson, Lily Internet 3
10146 ART 206 903 Introduction to Visual Arts Thompson, Lily Internet 3
10834 ART 250 501 3-D Design McDade, Kelly Lecture 1700 1945 G304 M 3
10557 BADM 102 901 Customer Service Skills Stevenson, Alana Internet 3
10488 BADM 105 101 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Lecture 0800 0915 G325 M W 3
C 10489 BADM 105 102 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Lecture 1100 1215 G325 T R 3
10490 BADM 105 901 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Internet 3
10491 BADM 105 902 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Internet 3
10492 BADM 105 903 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Internet 3
10496 BADM 108 101 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Lecture 0930 1045 G325 M W 3
10497 BADM 108 102 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Lecture 0930 1045 G325 T R 3
C 10498 BADM 108 901 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10499 BADM 108 902 Finance Dansby, Julian Internet 3
10500 BADM 108 903 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10505 BADM 113 901 Business Math Driver, Danielle Internet 3
10506 BADM 113 902 Business Math Stevenson, Alana Internet 3
10508 BADM 201 101 Principles of Macroeconomics Manning, Nathaniel Lecture 1230 1345 G308 T R 3
10509 BADM 201 901 Principles of Macroeconomics Manning, Nathaniel Internet 3
10510 BADM 201 902 Principles of Macroeconomics Sherwood, Audra Internet 3
10515 BADM 202 101 Principles of Microeconomics Manning, Nathaniel Lecture 0930 1045 G308 T R 3
10516 BADM 202 901 Principles of Microeconomics Chavarria, Marlo Internet 3
10522 BADM 212 101 Principles of Management Turbeville, Rebecca Lecture 1100 1215 G207 T R 3
10523 BADM 212 901 Principles of Management Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10524 BADM 212 902 Principles of Management Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10528 BADM 213 101 Human Resource Management Turbeville, Rebecca Lecture 0800 0915 G207 M W 3
10529 BADM 213 901 Human Resource Management Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10532 BADM 214 101 Principles of Marketing Valcho, George Lecture 1230 1345 G325 T R 3
10533 BADM 214 901 Principles of Marketing Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10537 BADM 215 101 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Lecture 0930 1045 G207 M W 3
10538 BADM 215 901 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10541 BADM 216 901 Sm Business Entrepreneurship Valcho, George Internet 3
10544 BADM 217 901 Organizational Behavior Smith, Jennifer Internet 3
10546 BADM 220 901 Business Communications Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10200 BLGY 101 101 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Bryan, Ty Lecture 1100 1215 B220 T R 3
10201 BLGY 101 501 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Raymond, Larry Lecture 1700 1815 B110 M W 3
C 10198 BLGY 101 901 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Sankaralingam, Saikolappan Internet 3
10199 BLGY 101 902 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Bryan, Ty Internet 3
10774 BLGY 101 903 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Sankaralingam, Saikolappan Internet 3
10202 BLGY 101L 101 General Biology I Lab Bryan, Ty Lab 1400 1630 B312 R 1
10204 BLGY 102 101 General Biology II Bryan, Ty Lecture 1100 1215 B220 M W 3
10206 BLGY 105 101 Elements of Biology I Adams, Jamie Lecture 0800 0915 B216 T R 3
10205 BLGY 105 901 Elements of Biology I Johnson, Trenton Internet 3
10775 BLGY 105 902 Elements of Biology I Johnson, Trenton Internet 3
10207 BLGY 106 901 Elements of Biology II Hendrix, Natalie Internet 3
10210 BLGY 110 101 Medical Terminology Cummings, Pamela Lecture 0800 0915 B228 M W 3
10211 BLGY 110 102 Medical Terminology Cummings, Pamela Lecture 0930 1045 E317 T R 3
11050 BLGY 110 103 Medical Terminology Cummings, Pamela Lecture 0800 0915 E317 T R 3
10966 BLGY 110 501 Medical Terminology Bryan, Joshua Lecture 1800 1915 B117 M W 3
10209 BLGY 110 901 Medical Terminology Tully, Paula Internet 3
10785 BLGY 110 902 Medical Terminology Tully, Paula Internet 3
10663 BLGY 110 904 Medical Terminology Hunt, Alice Internet 3
11048 BLGY 110 905 Medical Terminology Winter, Constance Internet 3
11081 BLGY 110 906 Medical Terminology Winter, Constance Internet 3
11085 BLGY 110 907 Medical Terminology Hunt, Alice Internet 3
10213 BLGY 120 101 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Bryan, Cammie Lecture 0930 1045 B220 T R 3
10214 BLGY 120 102 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Bryan, Cammie Lecture 1100 1215 B216 T R 3
10215 BLGY 120 103 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Adams, Jamie Lecture 0930 1045 B220 M W 3
10335 BLGY 120 501 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Bryan, Cammie Lecture 1700 1815 B220 T R 3
10216 BLGY 120L 101 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 0800 0915 B218 T R 1
10218 BLGY 120L 103 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 1230 1345 B218 T R 1
10336 BLGY 120L 501 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Weinreber, Aundrea Lab 1830 2000 B218 T R 1
10221 BLGY 202 101 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Lecture 0930 1045 B228 M W 3
10222 BLGY 202 103 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Adams, Jamie Lecture 1100 1215 B228 T R 3
10223 BLGY 202 104 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Lecture 0930 1045 B228 T R 3
10219 BLGY 202 901 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Internet 3
10220 BLGY 202 902 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Adams, Jamie Internet 3
10776 BLGY 202 903 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Internet 3
10226 BLGY 202L 101 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Adams, Jamie Lab 1100 1215 B314 M W 1
10227 BLGY 202L 102 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Hendrix, Natalie Lab 1400 1515 B328 M W 1
10228 BLGY 202L 103 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Adams, Jamie Lab 1530 1645 B314 T R 1
C 10229 BLGY 202L 104 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Hendrix, Natalie Lab 1230 1345 B328 T R 1
10224 BLGY 202L 901 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Fields, Wendy Internet 1
10225 BLGY 202L 902 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Adams, Jamie Internet 1
10787 BLGY 202L 903 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Fields, Wendy Internet 1
10230 BLGY 203 901 Basic Nutrition King, Shawndray Internet 3
10777 BLGY 203 902 Basic Nutrition King, Shawndray Internet 3
10240 BLGY 230 102 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Bryan, Ty Lecture 0930 1045 H131 M W 3
10244 BLGY 230 103 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0800 0915 H215 T R 3
10235 BLGY 230 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0800 0915 H215 M W 3
10238 BLGY 230 105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0930 1045 H130 T R 3
10239 BLGY 230 106 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0930 1045 H215 M W 3
10242 BLGY 230 107 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 1230 1345 H215 M W 3
10243 BLGY 230 108 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Horton, Zachary Lecture 1230 1345 H226 T R 3
11121 BLGY 230 110 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Alam, Shafiul Lecture 1830 1945 H215 M W 3
10231 BLGY 230 901 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Adams, Jamie Internet 3
C 10232 BLGY 230 902 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Janese, David Internet 3
C 10241 BLGY 230L 102 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Lab 0930 1045 H230 T R 1
10246 BLGY 230L 104 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 0930 1045 H231 M W 1
10248 BLGY 230L 105 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Lab 1400 1515 H230 M W 1
C 10249 BLGY 230L 106 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 1100 1215 H231 M W 1
C 10251 BLGY 230L 108 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Fields, Wendy Lab 1100 1215 H231 T R 1
10252 BLGY 230L 109 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 1230 1345 H231 M W 1
11122 BLGY 230L 111 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Alam, Shafiul Lab 2000 2115 H230 M W 1
C 10247 BLGY 230L 901 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Johnson, Trenton Internet 1
10745 BLGY 230L 902 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Johnson, Trenton Internet 1
C 10778 BLGY 230L 903 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Janese, David Internet 1
10254 BLGY 231 103 Anatomy and Physiology II Islam, Mohammod Lecture 0930 1045 H215 T R 3
10256 BLGY 231 105 Anatomy and Physiology II Horton, Zachary Lecture 1100 1215 H130 M W 3
10253 BLGY 231 901 Anatomy and Physiology II Fields, Wendy Internet 3
10332 BLGY 231 902 Anatomy and Physiology II Brazie, Randy Internet 3
C 10255 BLGY 231L 102 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Islam, Mohammod Lab 1100 1215 H219 T R 1
C 10257 BLGY 231L 103 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Islam, Mohammod Lab 1230 1345 H220 T R 1
10258 BLGY 231L 104 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Islam, Mohammod Lab 1230 1345 H220 M W 1
C 10334 BLGY 231L 901 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Brazie, Randy Internet 1
10275 CHEM 101 101 General Chemistry I McNamara, Kerry Lecture 0930 1045 B112 T R 3
10276 CHEM 101L 101 General Chemistry I Lab McNamara, Kerry Lab 1100 1330 B311 T 1
10273 CHEM 107 901 Introductory Chemistry McNamara, Kerry Internet 3
10274 CHEM 107L 101 Introductory Chemistry Lab McNamara, Kerry Lab 1100 1330 B311 T 1
10063 CJUS 101 101 Intr to Criminal Justice Spratley, Horace Lecture 0800 0850 E225 M W F 3
10064 CJUS 101 901 Intr to Criminal Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
10068 CJUS 201 101 Criminal Law Sanders, Mallori Lecture 1100 1215 E225 T R 3
10069 CJUS 201 901 Criminal Law Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
10070 CJUS 202 901 Criminal Investigation McDowell, Daimian Internet 3
10072 CJUS 211 801 Criminology Hinze, Wesley Hybrid 1230 1345 E147 T 3
10073 CJUS 232 901 Police Supervision Hollis, John Internet 3
10077 CJUS 291 101 Criminal Evidence & Procedure Sanders, Mallori Lecture 0930 1045 E225 T R 3
10080 CJUS 292 901 Police-Community Relations Horton, Jacqueline Internet 3
10083 CJUS 295 901 Criminalistics Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
10086 CJUS 299 901 Juvenile Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
10001 COMM 102 101 Live Video Productions Huntsberger, Emily Lecture 1100 1215 D348 M W 3
10002 COMM 108 901 Marketing of Recorded Music Allen, Jackie Internet 3
10004 COMM 120 101 Digital Media Survey Robison, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 D309 M W 3
10835 COMM 120 102 Digital Media Survey Johnson, Thomas Lecture 0930 1045 D348 M W 3
10005 COMM 125 101 Media Literacy Allen, Jackie Lecture 0930 1045 D127 T R 3
10838 COMM 135 101 Design for Media Thompson, Lily Lecture 1230 1345 G303 M W 3
10006 COMM 141 901 Social Media Marketing Leber, Lari Internet 3
10007 COMM 150 101 Video Production Techniques Allen, Jackie Lecture 0930 1215 D309 F 3
10008 COMM 153 101 Acting for Media Crawford, Ray Lecture 1100 1215 C113 M W 3
10009 COMM 160 101 Photography Wasserman, Jennifer Lecture 1230 1345 D309 T R 3
10010 COMM 163 901 History of Photography Robison, Jennifer Internet 3
10011 COMM 170 101 Introduction to Mass Media Leber, Rona Lecture 1100 1215 D309 T R 3
C 10012 COMM 170 901 Introduction to Mass Media Cameron, Charles Internet 3
10013 COMM 202 101 Video Editing Allen, Jackie Lecture 1400 1515 D127 M W 3
10840 COMM 203 101 Lighting Fundamentals White, David Lecture 1230 1345 C113 T R 3
10015 COMM 209 101 Scriptwriting for Film and TV Brown, Jonathan Lecture 1100 1215 D127 T R 3
10015 COMM 209 101 Scriptwriting for Film and TV Allen, Jackie Lecture 1100 1215 D127 T R 3
10016 COMM 210 801 Fundamentals of Advertising Robison, Jennifer Hybrid 1230 1345 D348 W 3
10017 COMM 216 101 Adobe Photoshop Johnson, Thomas Lecture 1230 1345 D309 M W 3
10019 COMM 218 101 Adobe Illustrator Turner, Lauren Lecture 0930 1045 D309 T R 3
10843 COMM 225 101 Audio Production in Media Tingle, Jeremy Lecture 1230 1345 D127 T R 3
10022 COMM 239 101 Motion Graphics Turner, Lauren Lecture 1230 1345 D348 T R 3
10023 COMM 240 501 American Cinema Robison, Jennifer Lecture 1830 2115 D303 T 3
10024 COMM 248 101 Visual Storytelling Turner, Lauren Lecture 1100 1215 D309 M W 3
10844 COMM 267 101 Photography II Robison, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1215 D348 T 3
10028 COMM 270 101 Commercial Photography Robison, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1215 D348 T 3
10568 CTEC 100 101 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0800 0915 G320 M W 3
10571 CTEC 100 102 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0800 0915 G320 T R 3
10572 CTEC 100 103 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0930 1045 G320 M W 3
10575 CTEC 100 104 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0930 1045 G320 T R 3
10859 CTEC 100 105 Computer Concepts Hall, Steven Lecture 1100 1215 G320 T R 3
10860 CTEC 100 106 Computer Concepts Hall, Steven Lecture 1230 1345 G320 M W 3
10580 CTEC 100 901 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Internet 3
10581 CTEC 100 902 Computer Concepts Wilson, Chaunda Internet 3
10583 CTEC 100 903 Computer Concepts Childs, Angelia Internet 3
10584 CTEC 100 904 Computer Concepts Drummer-Wells, Amanda Internet 3
C 10585 CTEC 100 905 Computer Concepts Fisher, Kenneth Internet 3
C 10587 CTEC 100 906 Computer Concepts Fisher, Kenneth Internet 3
10861 CTEC 101 101 Info Technology Principles Hall, Steven Lecture 0930 1045 G317 M W 3
10862 CTEC 101 102 Info Technology Principles Hall, Steven Lecture 1230 1345 G317 T R 3
10593 CTEC 101 801 Info Technology Principles Douglas, Theodies Hybrid 1100 1215 G317 S 3
10594 CTEC 101 901 Info Technology Principles Hall, Steven Internet 3
10595 CTEC 101 902 Info Technology Principles Linder, Doctor Internet 3
10598 CTEC 102 101 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Lecture 1230 1345 G214 M W 3
C 10863 CTEC 102 102 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Lecture 0930 1045 G214 T R 3
10602 CTEC 102 103 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Lecture 0930 1045 G214 M W 3
10864 CTEC 102 901 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Internet 3
10607 CTEC 104 101 Introduction to Scripting Green, Jeremy Lecture 1400 1515 G203 T R 3
10611 CTEC 104 901 Introduction to Scripting Green, Jeremy Internet 3
10613 CTEC 107 101 Skills for IT Success Hall, Steven Lecture 1100 1215 G319 M W 3
10614 CTEC 107 102 Skills for IT Success Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 1100 1215 G218 T R 3
10617 CTEC 107 S01 Skills for IT Success Fredrick, Leah Internet 1800 1930 M W 3
10620 CTEC 107 S02 Skills for IT Success Lott, Paula Internet 1800 1930 T R 3
10773 CTEC 107 S03 Skills for IT Success Hall, Steven Internet 1800 1930 M W 3
10627 CTEC 112 102 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Lecture 0930 1045 G317 T R 3
10628 CTEC 112 901 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10631 CTEC 114 102 IT Software Support Freeman, Eric Lecture 1100 1215 G317 T R 3
10632 CTEC 114 901 IT Software Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10623 CTEC 130 901 HTML5/CSS3 Turner, Steven Internet 3
10619 CTEC 145 901 Advanced MS Excel Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10616 CTEC 149 901 Web Scripting Turner, Steven Internet 3
10866 CTEC 151 901 Advanced JAVA Programming Turner, Steven Internet 3
10610 CTEC 155 101 Network Essentials Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 0930 1045 G203 M W 3
10612 CTEC 155 901 Network Essentials Rondeau, Christopher Internet 3
10609 CTEC 165 901 Introduction to Virtualization Haley, Randy Internet 3
10606 CTEC 170 101 Microsoft Windows Servers Haley, Randy Lecture 1100 1215 G203 M W 3
10608 CTEC 170 901 Microsoft Windows Servers Hyde, Jonathan Internet 3
10604 CTEC 172 101 Linux Server Haley, Randy Lecture 1230 1345 G203 T R 3
10605 CTEC 172 901 Linux Server Lambright, Blake Internet 3
10603 CTEC 235 901 Mobile App Development Turner, Steven Internet 3
10867 CTEC 243 901 Data Structures Turner, Steven Internet 3
10601 CTEC 250 901 Programming with C# Green, Jeremy Internet 3
C 10597 CTEC 255 101 CCNA I Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 1245 1445 G315 M W 4
10600 CTEC 255 901 CCNA I Rondeau, Christopher Internet 4
10596 CTEC 263 901 Cloud + Hyde, Jonathan Internet 3
10582 CTEC 287 101 Network Security Design Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 0930 1045 G315 T R 3
10586 CTEC 287 901 Network Security Design Rondeau, Christopher Internet 3
10465 CULA 100 801 Sanitation Dupont, Julie Hybrid 1000 1200 F204 R 3
C 10468 CULA 110 901 Nutrition Dupont, Julie Internet 3
C 10466 CULA 115 901 Mathematics of Culinary Arts Halliday, Joseph Internet 2
10475 CULA 120 801 Food Preparation Principles Dupont, Julie Hybrid 1230 1630 F204 TWR 6
10475 CULA 120 801 Food Preparation Principles Halliday, Joseph Hybrid 1230 1630 F204 TWR 6
10469 CULA 125 901 Basic Skills Development Halliday, Joseph Internet 2
10469 CULA 125 901 Basic Skills Development Rosado, Richard Internet 2
10869 CULA 140 101 Food Preparation Fundamentals Dupont, Julie Lab 0800 1200 F204 MTW 7
10869 CULA 140 101 Food Preparation Fundamentals Halliday, Joseph Lab 0800 1200 F204 MTW 7
10870 CULA 150 901 Menu Planning Halliday, Joseph Internet 3
10871 CULA 170 901 Supervisory Management Dupont, Julie Internet 3
10871 CULA 170 901 Supervisory Management Starrett, Mark Internet 3
10467 CULA 200 801 Regional Cuisine Halliday, Joseph Hybrid 0830 1130 F204 F 3
10472 CULA 210 801 International Cuisine Halliday, Joseph Hybrid 1230 1530 F204 F 3
10473 CULA 217 901 Human Relations & Supervisor Dupont, Julie Internet 3
10473 CULA 217 901 Human Relations & Supervisor Starrett, Mark Internet 3
10474 CULA 235 901 Purchasing and Cost Control Dupont, Julie Internet 3
10728 EDUC 101 102 Introduction to Education Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1100 1215 E326 T R 3
10288 EMTP 100 101 Emergency Medical Technician Bossier, Maudie Lecture 0845 1045 H339 MTWR 8
10290 EMTP 100 802 Emergency Medical Technician Bossier, Maudie Hybrid 1830 2130 H339 T 8
10289 EMTP 100L 101 EMT Lab Bryant, Charles Lab 1230 1630 H311 M 1
C 10291 EMTP 100L 102 EMT Lab Bryant, Charles Lab 1230 1630 H311 T 1
10292 EMTP 100L 103 EMT Lab Young, Lynne Lab 1230 1630 H311 W 1
C 10938 EMTP 100L 502 EMT Lab Young, Lynne Lab 1730 2130 H311 W 1
10295 EMTP 211 101 Paramedic Clinical Experience Nutt, Allison Clinical 3
10296 EMTP 213 101 Field Experience Anderson, Jeffery Field Exp 2
10090 ENGL 011L L01 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 1000 1050 G206 M W F 3
10092 ENGL 011L L02 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 0930 1045 G206 T R 3
10094 ENGL 011L L03 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 1230 1345 G206 T R 3
10096 ENGL 011L L04 Composition Corequisite Lab Lofton, Jennifer Lab 1230 1345 E226 T R 3
10098 ENGL 011L L05 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 1230 1345 G206 M W 3
10815 ENGL 011L L06 Composition Corequisite Lab Fontenot, Charles Lecture 1100 1215 G219 T R 3
10817 ENGL 011L L07 Composition Corequisite Lab Ekstrom, Alexandra Hybrid 1230 1345 G205 R 3
10100 ENGL 011L L08 Composition Corequisite Lab Smith, Joy Internet 3
10102 ENGL 011L L09 Composition Corequisite Lab Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
10104 ENGL 011L L10 Composition Corequisite Lab Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
10819 ENGL 011L L11 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Internet 3
C 11135 ENGL 011L L12 Composition Corequisite Lab Lofton, Jennifer Internet 3
10679 ENGL 011L L27 Composition Corequisite Lab Bryant, Maudie Hybrid 0800 0915 G206 S 3
10108 ENGL 101 116 Composition & Rhetoric I Ekstrom, Alexandra Lecture 0900 0950 G205 M W F 3
10109 ENGL 101 117 Composition & Rhetoric I Dawes, Jessica Lecture 0800 0915 G205 T R 3
10110 ENGL 101 118 Composition & Rhetoric I Smith, Joy Lecture 0930 1045 G205 T R 3
C 10111 ENGL 101 119 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Lecture 1100 1215 E151 M W 3
10826 ENGL 101 120 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Lecture 0930 1045 E151 T R 3
10113 ENGL 101 801 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Hybrid 0930 1045 E226 T 3
10783 ENGL 101 802 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Hybrid 1700 1815 G206 T 3
10114 ENGL 101 901 Composition & Rhetoric I Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10115 ENGL 101 902 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Internet 3
C 10116 ENGL 101 903 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Internet 3
10118 ENGL 101 905 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
10089 ENGL 101 L01 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Lecture 0900 0950 G206 M W F 3
10091 ENGL 101 L02 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Lecture 0800 0915 G206 T R 3
10093 ENGL 101 L03 Composition & Rhetoric I Ekstrom, Alexandra Lecture 1100 1215 G206 T R 3
10095 ENGL 101 L04 Composition & Rhetoric I Smith, Joy Lecture 1100 1215 E226 T R 3
10814 ENGL 101 L06 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Lecture 0930 1045 G219 T R 3
10816 ENGL 101 L07 Composition & Rhetoric I Smith, Joy Hybrid 1230 1345 G205 T 3
10099 ENGL 101 L08 Composition & Rhetoric I Lofton, Jennifer Internet 3
10101 ENGL 101 L09 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
10103 ENGL 101 L10 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
10818 ENGL 101 L11 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Internet 3
C 11134 ENGL 101 L12 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
10112 ENGL 101 L27 Composition & Rhetoric I Bryant, Maudie Hybrid 0930 1045 G206 S 3
10121 ENGL 102 101 Composition & Rhetoric II Lofton, Jennifer Lecture 0900 0950 E226 M W F 3
C 10122 ENGL 102 102 Composition & Rhetoric II Vines, Daniel Lecture 1100 1215 E226 M W 3
10123 ENGL 102 103 Composition & Rhetoric II Dawes, Jessica Lecture 0800 0915 G219 M W 3
C 10124 ENGL 102 104 Composition & Rhetoric II Jones, Laura Lecture 1100 1215 E151 T R 3
10125 ENGL 102 801 Composition & Rhetoric II Guerin, Karen Hybrid 0930 1045 G319 T 3
10126 ENGL 102 901 Composition & Rhetoric II Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10127 ENGL 102 902 Composition & Rhetoric II Guerin, Karen Internet 3
C 10128 ENGL 102 903 Composition & Rhetoric II Guerin, Karen Internet 3
10129 ENGL 102 904 Composition & Rhetoric II Jones, Laura Internet 3
C 10130 ENGL 102 905 Composition & Rhetoric II Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
10131 ENGL 102 906 Composition & Rhetoric II Lofton, Jennifer Internet 3
10135 ENGL 201 901 Major British Writers Guerin, Karen Internet 3
10664 ENGR 100 101 Engineering Fundamentals Lackman, Lamont Lecture 1230 1415 L228 M W 3
10343 FYSE 100 103 First Year Student Experience Mercer, Andrew Lecture 1100 1215 E303 T R 3
10344 FYSE 100 901 First Year Student Experience Lea, Melanie Internet 3
C 10345 FYSE 100 902 First Year Student Experience Mercer, Andrew Internet 3
10346 FYSE 100 903 First Year Student Experience Carroll-Jeter, Penny Internet 3
C 10350 GPHY 101 901 Physical Geography Fricker, Tyler Internet 3
10548 HCM 201 901 Intro to Healthcare Management Richards, Kimberly Internet 3
10549 HCM 202 901 Healthcare Informatics Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10359 HIST 101 101 Western Civilization I Ragan, Edward Lecture 1000 1050 E203 M W F 3
10360 HIST 101 901 Western Civilization I Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10361 HIST 101 902 Western Civilization I Lord, Alana Internet 3
10790 HIST 101 903 Western Civilization I Ragan, Edward Internet 3
10367 HIST 201 101 American History I Ragan, Edward Lecture 1230 1345 E203 M W 3
10368 HIST 201 102 American History I Butler, Cynthia Lecture 0930 1045 E203 T R 3
C 10369 HIST 201 901 American History I Ragan, Edward Internet 3
C 10370 HIST 201 902 American History I Lord, Alana Internet 3
10373 HIST 202 101 American History II Butler, Cynthia Lecture 1100 1215 E203 T R 3
10374 HIST 202 901 American History II Butler, Cynthia Internet 3
C 10378 HIST 203 901 Louisiana History Butler, Cynthia Internet 3
10351 HLPE 221 901 First Aid Phillips, Jon Internet 3
11071 ISAF 210 901 Indust Saf and OSHA Standards Landry, Jonathan Internet 3
10846 MATH 012L L04 College Algebra Coreq Lab Densmore, Donna Lab 0800 0915 E121 T R 3
C 10848 MATH 012L L05 College Algebra Coreq Lab Lee, Tracy Lab 0930 1045 E213 T R 3
10850 MATH 012L L06 College Algebra Coreq Lab Lee, Tracy Lab 1100 1215 E213 M W 3
10852 MATH 012L L07 College Algebra Coreq Lab Igo, Jennifer Internet 3
10854 MATH 012L L10 College Algebra Coreq Lab Lee, Tracy Lab 1400 1515 E213 M W 3
10856 MATH 012L L14 College Algebra Coreq Lab Cox, Jennifer Lab 1230 1345 E317 M W 3
10858 MATH 012L L21 College Algebra Coreq Lab Melton, Amy Lab 1800 2050 E213 T 3
10946 MATH 012L L28 College Algebra Coreq Lab Jenkins, Steven Lab 0930 1045 G218 S 3
10874 MATH 012L L55 College Algebra Coreq Lab Densmore, Donna Internet 3
10877 MATH 012L L56 College Algebra Coreq Lab Voss, Sarah Internet 3
10879 MATH 012L L57 College Algebra Coreq Lab Robey, Skylar Internet 3
11076 MATH 012L L58 College Algebra Coreq Lab Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
11100 MATH 012L L59 College Algebra Coreq Lab Frilot, Clifton Internet 3
10884 MATH 101 102 App Alg for Coll Students Cox, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 E221 M W 3
10888 MATH 101 904 App Alg for Coll Students Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
11089 MATH 101 905 App Alg for Coll Students Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
10891 MATH 102 108 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 0800 0915 E224 M W 3
10893 MATH 102 109 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Lecture 0930 1045 E321 M W 3
10894 MATH 102 110 College Algebra Igo, Jennifer Lecture 1230 1345 E314 M W 3
10895 MATH 102 111 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 0800 0915 E224 T R 3
10896 MATH 102 112 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 0930 1045 E224 T R 3
10897 MATH 102 113 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 1100 1215 E224 T R 3
10899 MATH 102 905 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
10900 MATH 102 906 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Internet 3
10902 MATH 102 908 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Internet 3
10847 MATH 102 L04 College Algebra Densmore, Donna Lecture 0800 0915 E121 M W 3
C 10849 MATH 102 L05 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Lecture 0930 1045 E213 M W 3
10851 MATH 102 L06 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Lecture 1100 1215 E213 T R 3
10853 MATH 102 L07 College Algebra Igo, Jennifer Lecture 1100 1215 E314 T R 3
10855 MATH 102 L10 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Lecture 1400 1515 E213 T R 3
10857 MATH 102 L14 College Algebra Cox, Jennifer Lecture 1230 1345 E317 T R 3
10868 MATH 102 L21 College Algebra Melton, Amy Lecture 1800 2050 E213 R 3
10948 MATH 102 L28 College Algebra Jenkins, Steven Lecture 0800 0915 G218 S 3
10876 MATH 102 L55 College Algebra Densmore, Donna Internet 3
10878 MATH 102 L56 College Algebra Voss, Sarah Internet 3
10881 MATH 102 L57 College Algebra Robey, Skylar Internet 3
11077 MATH 102 L58 College Algebra Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
11099 MATH 102 L59 College Algebra Frilot, Clifton Internet 3
10905 MATH 112 102 Trigonometry Igo, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 E314 T R 3
10906 MATH 112 902 Trigonometry Densmore, Donna Internet 3
10907 MATH 113 102 Algebra and Trigonometry Densmore, Donna Lecture 0930 1045 E121 MTWR 6
10908 MATH 114 103 Finite Math Small, Lindsay Lecture 0930 1045 E321 T R 3
10909 MATH 114 502 Finite Math Debello, Jennifer Lecture 1830 1945 E314 M W 3
10910 MATH 114 903 Finite Math Davidson, Catherine Internet 3
11046 MATH 114 904 Finite Math Davidson, Catherine Internet 3
10911 MATH 124 106 Mathematical Concepts Igo, Jennifer Lecture 1100 1215 E314 M W 3
10912 MATH 124 107 Mathematical Concepts Cox, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 E221 T R 3
10913 MATH 124 902 Mathematical Concepts Igo, Jennifer Internet 3
11096 MATH 124 903 Mathematical Concepts Igo, Jennifer Internet 3
10914 MATH 129 902 Applied Technical Mathematics Voss, Sarah Internet 3
10915 MATH 210 902 Basic Statistics Robey, Skylar Internet 3
10916 MATH 217 901 Elementary Geometry Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
10917 MATH 250 102 Calculus I Small, Lindsay Lecture 1100 1150 E321 M W 5
10917 MATH 250 102 Calculus I Small, Lindsay Lecture 1100 1215 E321 T R 5
10945 MATH 252 101 Calculus III Cox, Jennifer Lecture 1100 1215 E221 T R 3
10298 MOS 107 101 Medical Office Administration Butts, Connie Internet 3
10693 MOS 113 901 Reimbursement Methodology Zeringue, Ashley Internet 3
10694 MUSC 100 101 Music Fundamentals Beagley, Ted Lecture 0930 1045 G321 T R 3
10452 MUSC 110 101 Class Piano I Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1100 1215 C122 M W 2
10831 MUSC 111 101 Class Piano II Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1100 1215 C122 M W 2
10453 MUSC 113 101 Ear Training/Sightsinging II Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1230 1345 G321 T R 1
10455 MUSC 120 901 Music Appreciation Chandler, Gulnara Internet 3
10456 MUSC 123 101 Music Theory II Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 0930 1045 G321 M W 3
10457 MUSC 148 101 Concert Choir Jackson, Jennifer Lecture 1630 1745 C123 M W 1
10458 MUSC 230 101 Applied Piano Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 2
C 10459 MUSC 231 101 Applied Voice Crawford, Ray Lecture 2
10460 MUSC 231 102 Applied Voice Fortenberry, Sarah Lecture 2
10414 NURS 200 101 Fundamentals of Nursing Jorstad, Carole Lecture 0800 1050 H323 MT 6
10415 NURS 200 102 Fundamentals of Nursing Cannon, Amy Lecture 0800 1050 H322 MT 6
10416 NURS 200L 101 Nursing Fundamentals Lab Jorstad, Carole Lab 0800 1050 H323 W 1
10417 NURS 200L 102 Nursing Fundamentals Lab Cannon, Amy Lab 0800 1050 H322 W 1
10418 NURS 201 101 Adult Nursing I Covington, Ginger Lecture 0800 1150 H131 R 4
10419 NURS 201 102 Adult Nursing I Covington, Ginger Lecture 0800 1150 H131 R 4
10424 NURS 204 101 LPN to RN Transition Herrington, Amanda Lecture 1000 1150 H322 F 2
10425 NURS 205 101 Pharmacology I Bohl, Christine Lecture 1300 1400 H131 R 1
10426 NURS 205 102 Pharmacology I Bohl, Christine Lecture 1300 1400 H131 R 1
11079 NURS 205 801 Pharmacology I Bohl, Christine Hybrid 1
10764 NURS 210 103 Pediatric Nursing Preimesberger, Angela Lecture 0800 0950 H217 F 2
10427 NURS 211 101 Adult Nursing II Bohl, Christine Lecture 1000 1250 H131 F 3
11026 NURS 211 103 Adult Nursing II Bohl, Christine Lecture 1000 1250 H131 F 3
11027 NURS 211 801 Adult Nursing II Bohl, Christine Hybrid 3
C 10428 NURS 212 101 Adult Practicum II Covington, Ginger Practicum MT 3
C 10428 NURS 212 101 Adult Practicum II Fourcade, Susan Practicum MT 3
C 10428 NURS 212 101 Adult Practicum II Bohl, Christine Practicum MT 3
11028 NURS 212 102 Adult Practicum II Richardson, Kathryn Practicum 0630 1830 MT 3
10429 NURS 212 675 Adult Practicum II Covington, Ginger Practicum S 3
10431 NURS 214 101 Pharmacology II Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 1400 1450 H131 F 1
11029 NURS 214 102 Pharmacology II Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 1400 1450 F 1
11030 NURS 214 801 Pharmacology II Richardson, Kathryn Hybrid 1
C 11031 NURS 220 801 Women's Health Nursing Lawrence, Kelley Hybrid 2
11032 NURS 221 101 Adult Nursing III Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 0800 1150 H131 T 4
10432 NURS 221 102 Adult Nursing III Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 0800 1150 H131 T 4
C 10433 NURS 222 101 Adult Practicum III Doucet-Davis, Kaylsea Practicum 0630 1500 WR 3
C 10433 NURS 222 101 Adult Practicum III Nelson, Sheryl Practicum 0630 1500 WR 3
C 10433 NURS 222 101 Adult Practicum III Herrington, Amanda Practicum 0630 1500 WR 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Richardson, Kathryn Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Nelson, Sheryl Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Bergeron, Terrie Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Herrington, Amanda Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Holsapple, Ambrosia Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
11033 NURS 223 101 Mental Health Nursing Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1000 1150 H130 F 2
10434 NURS 223 102 Mental Health Nursing Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1000 1150 H130 F 2
11034 NURS 224 101 Women's Health Practicum Richardson, Kathryn Practicum 0630 1830 MT 1
10435 NURS 224 675 Women's Health Practicum Latiolais, Traci Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
C 10436 NURS 225 101 Mental Health Practicum Petchak, Melanie Practicum 0630 1500 WR 1
10437 NURS 225 675 Mental Health Practicum Petchak, Melanie Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
11035 NURS 226 101 Pharmacology III Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1300 1350 H131 T 1
10438 NURS 226 102 Pharmacology III Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1300 1350 H217 T 1
10439 NURS 230 101 Nursing Career Success Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 1400 1450 H217 T 1
11036 NURS 230 102 Nursing Career Success Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 1400 1450 H131 T 1
10306 OCTA 203 101 Physical Challenges to Occupat Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 0900 1100 M 3
10306 OCTA 203 101 Physical Challenges to Occupat Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 1200 1500 M 3
10307 OCTA 204 101 Psychosocial Challenges to Occ Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 0900 1200 R 3
10307 OCTA 204 101 Psychosocial Challenges to Occ Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 1300 1530 R 3
10308 OCTA 205 101 Deve Challenges to Occupation Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 0900 1500 T 3
10308 OCTA 205 101 Deve Challenges to Occupation Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 1300 1530 W 3
10309 OCTA 206 101 Therapeutic Interventions I Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 0800 0900 W 2
10309 OCTA 206 101 Therapeutic Interventions I Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 0900 1200 W 2
10310 OCTA 208 101 Clinical Documentation I Allison, Michele Lecture 0900 1100 B307 F 2
11002 OGPT 101 101 Intro Explr & Prod Oil & Gas Landry, Jonathan Lecture 1830 2115 L134 T 3
11004 OGPT 103 801 Drilling Technology Landry, Jonathan Hybrid 1700 1815 L132 M 3
11003 OGPT 150 801 Reg Issues for Oil & Gas Indus Landry, Jonathan Hybrid 1530 1620 L134 M 2
10302 PHAR 101 101 Intro to Pharmacy Technology Brummett, Karel Lecture 1300 1350 H211 T 1
10303 PHAR 102 101 Pharmacy Practice Brummett, Karel Lecture 1130 1230 H211 T R 3
10304 PHAR 102L 101 Pharmacy Practice/Lab Brummett, Karel Lab 0830 1100 H211 T R 2
10305 PHAR 104 101 Pharmacology for Pharm Tech Brummett, Karel Lecture 1015 1245 H211 M W 5
10270 PHSC 105 101 Elemental Physics McNamara, Kerry Lecture 0930 1045 B112 M W 3
10338 PHSC 105 102 Elemental Physics McNamara, Kerry Lecture 1100 1215 B110 M W 3
10266 PHSC 105 901 Elemental Physics Reed, Charles Internet 3
10269 PHSC 105 902 Elemental Physics Reed, Charles Internet 3
10268 PHSC 111 901 Physical Geology McNamara, Kerry Internet 3
11189 PHYS 212 801 Physics Eng. & Science II Reed, Charles Lecture 1230 1345 B117 T R 3
10312 PNUR 101 901 Nursing as a Career Nelson, Sheryl Internet 1
10314 PNUR 101 902 Nursing as a Career Cannon, Amy Internet 1
10315 PNUR 101 903 Nursing as a Career Cannon, Amy Internet 1
10352 POSC 201 901 National Gov in US Trompe, Gregory Internet 3
11151 PRNU 110 101 Intro to Practical Nursing Snellgrove, Melissa Internet 3
10960 PRNU 150 101 PN Basic Pharmacology Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 0930 H325 MT 4
10960 PRNU 150 101 PN Basic Pharmacology Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 1530 W 4
10958 PRNU 165 102 PN Pharmacology I Herrington, Willie Lecture 1400 1530 H216 M F 3
10958 PRNU 165 102 PN Pharmacology I Coyle, Cassandra Lecture 1400 1530 H216 M F 3
10950 PRNU 260 101 PN Med Surg III Herrington, Willie Lecture 0800 1100 H213 M F 5
10951 PRNU 261 101 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Herrington, Willie Clinical 0630 1430 TWR 3
10951 PRNU 261 101 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Bergeron, Terrie Clinical 0630 1430 TWR 3
10951 PRNU 261 101 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Archibald, Stacie Clinical 0630 1430 TWR 3
10953 PRNU 265 102 PN Pharmacology II Coyle, Cassandra Lecture 1100 1230 H213 M F 2
10952 PRNU 270 102 PN Leadership Snellgrove, Melissa Lecture 1330 1550 H213 M F 2
10381 PSYC 201 101 Introduction to Psychology Nettles, Theresa Lecture 0930 1045 E147 T R 3
10382 PSYC 201 102 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Lecture 1230 1345 E306 T R 3
10383 PSYC 201 801 Introduction to Psychology Nettles, Theresa Hybrid 0900 0950 E151 M W 3
10386 PSYC 201 901 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10387 PSYC 201 902 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10388 PSYC 201 903 Introduction to Psychology Green, Amber Internet 3
10389 PSYC 201 904 Introduction to Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
10390 PSYC 201 905 Introduction to Psychology Taylor, LaDonna Internet 3
10396 PSYC 205 901 Child Psychology Green, Amber Internet 3
10398 PSYC 206 901 Adolescent Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
10400 PSYC 220 101 Developmental Psychology Nettles, Theresa Lecture 1100 1215 E147 T R 3
10420 PSYC 220 102 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Lecture 1400 1515 E313 M W 3
10421 PSYC 220 801 Developmental Psychology Green, Amber Hybrid 1100 1150 E306 M W 3
10443 PSYC 220 901 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
10444 PSYC 220 902 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
11133 PSYC 220 903 Developmental Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
10450 PSYC 225 901 Loss and Death Green, Amber Internet 3
10812 PSYC 290 901 Social Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
10284 PTAP 202 101 Clinical Kinesiology Cox, Kimberly Lect and Lab 0900 1600 B233 W F 4
10285 PTAP 203 101 Orthopaedic Conditions Cox, Kimberly Lect and Lab 0900 1600 B233 T 3
10286 PTAP 204 101 Physical Therapy Procedures Bryant, Laura Lect and Lab 0900 1600 B233 R 3
10287 PTAP 205 101 Therapeutic Modalities Bryant, Laura Lect and Lab 0900 1200 B233 M 3
10355 RLGN 203 901 World Religions Williamson, Aviva Internet 3
C 11040 RSTH 265 101 Clin App and Proc III Danzy, Jillian Lecture 0700 1900 M W F 2
10259 SCI 101 101 Foundations in Science Wheat, Jackson Lecture 1100 1215 B215 T R 3
11190 SCI 101 801 Foundations in Science Reed, Charles Lecture 1400 1515 B215 M 3
C 10260 SCI 101 901 Foundations in Science Reed, Charles Internet 3
10265 SCI 101 903 Foundations in Science Reed, Charles Internet 3
10264 SCI 102 902 Foundations in Science II Mayadunne, Erandi Internet 3
10560 SLGY 201 101 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Lecture 0930 1045 E147 M W 3
10401 SLGY 201 102 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Lecture 0930 1045 E204 T R 3
10404 SLGY 201 901 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Internet 3
10405 SLGY 201 902 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Internet 3
10411 SLGY 203 901 Marriage & Family Living Theus, Sandra Internet 3
10413 SLGY 211 801 Criminology Hinze, Wesley Hybrid 1230 1345 E147 T 3
C 10278 SONO 200 801 Introduction to Sonography Turner, Ocinara Hybrid 1615 1730 H223 M 2
C 10279 SONO 201 801 Physics and Instrumentation Hester, Minnie Hybrid 1200 1300 H223 M 2
C 10280 SONO 202 801 Abdominal Sonography Hester, Minnie Hybrid 0845 1000 H223 M 1
C 10281 SONO 203 801 Gynecologic Sonography Morrison, Chad Hybrid 0730 0845 H223 M 2
C 10282 SONO 204L 801 Learning Lab Hester, Minnie Lab 1300 1600 H223 M 1
C 10283 SONO 205 801 Clinical Practicum I Hester, Minnie Practicum 0800 1630 TW F 2
11056 SONO 217 801 Abdominal Sonography III Hester, Minnie Hybrid 1000 1200 B112 M 1
11055 SONO 219 801 Adv. OB/GYN Sonography Morrison, Chad Hybrid 0845 1000 B112 M 2
C 10356 SPAN 101 901 Elementary Spanish I Morales, Michael Internet 3
C 10357 SPAN 101 902 Elementary Spanish I Morales, Michael Internet 3
10755 SPAN 102 901 Elementary Spanish II McKellar, Kathryn Internet 3
10045 SPCH 110 101 Public Speaking Alexander, Robert Lecture 1230 1345 G324 M W 3
10046 SPCH 110 102 Public Speaking Crawford, Ray Lecture 0930 1045 D303 T R 3
10048 SPCH 110 802 Public Speaking Leber, Rona Hybrid 1000 1050 D303 M W 3
10050 SPCH 110 901 Public Speaking Alexander, Robert Internet 3
10051 SPCH 110 902 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
10052 SPCH 110 903 Public Speaking Alexander, Robert Internet 3
10053 SPCH 110 904 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
10058 SPCH 115 101 Interpersonal Communication Lea, Melanie Lecture 1100 1215 D303 T R 3
10059 SPCH 115 901 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
10060 SPCH 115 902 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
10299 STEC 110 101 Surgical Procedures I Zeigler, Rashette Lecture 0930 1045 B221 MT 3
10300 STEC 111 101 Clinical Specialties Zeigler, Rashette Lecture 1100 1215 B221 MT 3
10301 STEC 112 101 Surgical Practicum I Zeigler, Rashette Practicum WRF 6
10301 STEC 112 101 Surgical Practicum I Barry, Ramona Practicum WRF 6
10301 STEC 112 101 Surgical Practicum I Huff, Ginger Practicum WRF 6
C 10561 TEED 101 101 Fund of Electricity and Lab I Harner, Mark Lect and Lab 1400 1645 L213 M W 4
10986 TEED 101 103 Fund of Electricity and Lab I Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 0800 1045 L213 M W 4
10564 TEED 101 501 Fund of Electricity and Lab I Harner, Mark Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L213 M W 4
10779 TEED 142 103 Print Reading for ENGR and Man Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 1100 1215 L213 M W 3
C 10569 TEED 142 801 Print Reading for ENGR and Man Harner, Mark Hybrid 1700 1815 L228 T 3
10578 TEED 143 501 Intro Computer Drafting Power, Eliot Lect and Lab 1700 1815 L234 M W 3
10987 TEED 150 101 Pneumatics Hickman, Jonathan Lecture 1530 1645 L215 M W 3
10591 TEED 153 101 Hydraulics/Fluid Dyn. Lab Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1400 1615 L215 T R 3
10599 TEED 161 501 SolidWorks 3D Lackman, Lamont Lecture 1700 1815 L234 T R 3
10988 TEED 201 102 Intro to Digital Elec & Prog Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 0800 0915 L213 T R 3
10618 TEED 202 501 Intro to Microprocessors Lackman, Lamont Hybrid 1700 1815 L216 M W 3
10624 TEED 206 501 Electronics Equipment & Repair Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1700 1815 L213 T R 3
C 11075 TEED 208 502 Inter Prog Logic Cntlr & Lab Harner, Mark Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L216 T R 4
10985 TEED 252 102 Electric Motor Controls Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1100 1345 L215 T R 4
10629 TEED 260 501 Mechatronics Level 1 Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L215 M W 4
C 11007 TEED 282 101 Industrial Eng Tech Field Exp Harner, Mark Internet 4
10031 THTR 101 901 Introduction to Theatre Boyter, James Internet 3
10032 THTR 105 101 Theatre Lab Production White, David Lab 1400 1600 C113 T 1
10033 THTR 105 102 Theatre Lab Production White, David Lab 1400 1600 C113 R 1
10806 THTR 113 101 Lighting Fundamentals White, David Lecture 1230 1345 C113 T R 3
10035 THTR 131 101 Elements of Theatre Crawford, Ray Lecture 0930 1045 D127 M W 3
10036 THTR 153 101 Acting I Crawford, Ray Lecture 1100 1215 C113 M W 3
10037 THTR 159 101 Musical Theatre Performance Crawford, Ray Lecture 1100 1215 C113 T R 3
C 10038 THTR 211 101 Theatre Arts Apprenticeship Crawford, Ray Lecture 3
10808 THTR 221 101 Costume Design Leber, Rona Lecture 1400 1515 C140 M W 3
10042 THTR 260 101 Special Projects Crawford, Ray Lecture 3
10992 WELD 101 101 Survey of Welding Stutes, Guy Lect and Lab 1400 1645 L108 T R 4
10644 WELD 101 501 Survey of Welding Stevenson, Tommy Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L212 M W 4
10644 WELD 101 501 Survey of Welding Brownlee, Joseph Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L212 M W 4
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session B

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10480 ACCT 205 950 Intro Financial Accounting Jones, Jimmy Internet 3
10485 ACCT 210 950 Personal Income Tax Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10647 ALHT 203 151 Specialty Areas for Med Assist Mullins, Erica Lecture 1100 1400 M W 2
10140 ART 201 950 Art History I Wagoner, John Internet 3
10493 BADM 105 950 Gen. Business Administration Johnson, Natosha Internet 3
10501 BADM 108 950 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10512 BADM 201 950 Principles of Macroeconomics Partapurwala, Mohammed Internet 3
10518 BADM 202 950 Principles of Microeconomics Chavarria, Marlo Internet 3
10525 BADM 212 950 Principles of Management Jane, Courtney Internet 3
10530 BADM 213 950 Human Resource Management Smith, Jennifer Internet 3
10534 BADM 214 950 Principles of Marketing Dansby, Julian Internet 3
10539 BADM 215 950 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10233 BLGY 230 950 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Janese, David Internet 3
C 11039 BLGY 230L 950 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Janese, David Internet 1
10071 CJUS 204 950 Accident Investigation Hollis, John Internet 3
10074 CJUS 276 950 Probation, Parole, and Treatme Horton, Jacqueline Internet 3
10076 CJUS 290 950 Homeland Security Hollis, John Internet 3
10078 CJUS 291 950 Criminal Evidence & Procedure Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
10577 CTEC 100 950 Computer Concepts Fredrick, Leah Internet 3
10622 CTEC 108 950 Intro to Mgmt Information Sys Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10589 CTEC 282 950 IT Project Management Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10875 CULA 160 950 Dining Room Service Starrett, Mark Internet 1
10875 CULA 160 950 Dining Room Service Halliday, Joseph Internet 1
11068 ENGL 101 950 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Internet 3
10666 ENGR 220 850 Statics Lackman, Lamont Hybrid 0900 1045 L228 M W 3
10655 FRSC 100 950 Principles of Emerg Services Bevan, Beau Internet 1
10656 FRSC 110 950 Bldg Const for Fire Protection Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10657 FRSC 220 950 Fire Prot. Hyd. & Water Supply Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10658 FRSC 230 950 Occp Sfty & Hlth for Fire Serv Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10551 HCM 203 950 Supervision Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10554 HCM 250 950 Small Business Management Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
C 11043 MOS 101 950 Diseases & Cond. of Rural Com Taylor, Samantha Internet 3
C 11044 MOS 102 950 Introduction to Rural Health Taylor, Samantha Internet 3
10738 MOS 110 975 Medical Coding I Zeringue, Ashley Internet 4
10762 NURS 210 150 Pediatric Nursing Preimesberger, Angela Lecture 0800 0950 H217 WR 2
C 10765 NURS 213 150 Pediatric Practicum Preimesberger, Angela Practicum 0630 1530 MT 1
10767 NURS 220 150 Women's Health Nursing Lawrence, Kelley Lecture 1000 1150 H217 WR 2
C 10770 NURS 224 150 Women's Health Practicum Lawrence, Kelley Practicum 0630 1500 MT 1
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Herrington, Willie Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Herrington, Willie Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Archibald, Stacie Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Archibald, Stacie Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
10954 PRNU 140 151 PN Med Surg I Snellgrove, Melissa Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10954 PRNU 140 151 PN Med Surg I Ebarb, Stacy Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Snellgrove, Melissa Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Berry, Nancy Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Ebarb, Stacy Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Herrington, Willie Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Coyle, Cassandra Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Bergeron, Terrie Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Herrington, Amanda Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Archibald, Stacie Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Holsapple, Ambrosia Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10391 PSYC 201 950 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10261 SCI 101 950 Foundations in Science Mayadunne, Erandi Internet 3
10406 SLGY 201 950 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Internet 3
11058 SONO 218 850 Clinical Practicum III Hester, Minnie Clinical 0800 1630 TW F 3
10061 SPCH 115 950 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
10645 WELD 203 150 Adv Shield Metal Arc Welding Stevenson, Tommy Lect and Lab 0830 1330 L212 MTWR 4
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session C

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11051 ACCT 205 975 Intro Financial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10484 ACCT 206 975 Intro Managerial Accounting Davis, Rachel Internet 3
10486 ACCT 212 975 Computerized Accounting Creswell, David Internet 3
10668 ALHT 105 975 Medical Ethics and Law Winter, Constance Internet 3
11097 ALHT 109 975 Health Care Systems & Safety Cox, Kimberly Internet 2
11258 ALHT 109 976 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Internet 2
10929 ALHT 115 175 Pharmacology for AH Students McGee, Wendy Lecture 1100 1315 B118 M W 3
10929 ALHT 115 175 Pharmacology for AH Students Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 1100 1315 B118 M W 3
10649 ALHT 210 175 Medical Assistant Practicum Mullins, Erica Clinical 3
C 10141 ART 202 975 Art History II Wagoner, John Internet 3
10150 ART 206 975 Introduction to Visual Arts Ingram, Tamrin Internet 3
10558 BADM 102 975 Customer Service Skills Stevenson, Alana Internet 3
10495 BADM 105 975 Gen. Business Administration Owens, Barbara Internet 3
10503 BADM 108 975 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10514 BADM 201 975 Principles of Macroeconomics Chavarria, Marlo Internet 3
10519 BADM 202 975 Principles of Microeconomics Partapurwala, Mohammed Internet 3
10520 BADM 203 975 Business Statistics Manning, Nathaniel Internet 3
10527 BADM 212 975 Principles of Management Brooks-Barnes, Cynthia Internet 3
10536 BADM 214 975 Principles of Marketing Cathcart, Kyle Internet 3
10540 BADM 215 975 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10542 BADM 216 975 Sm Business Entrepreneurship Dunneback, Devan Internet 3
10545 BADM 217 975 Organizational Behavior Lamette, Bridget Internet 3
10547 BADM 220 975 Business Communications Adeyemi, Oluwakemi Internet 3
11279 BLGY 110 575 Medical Terminology Horton, Zachary Lecture 1530 1815 B117 T R 3
11233 BLGY 110 975 Medical Terminology Weinreber, Aundrea Internet 3
10967 BLGY 203 975 Basic Nutrition King, Shawndray Internet 3
11277 BLGY 230 875 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Horton, Zachary Hybrid 0800 0915 H226 T R 3
11278 BLGY 230L 875 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Hybrid 1100 1215 H226 T R 1
C 10333 BLGY 231 976 Anatomy and Physiology II Brazie, Randy Internet 3
10786 BLGY 231L 975 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Brazie, Randy Internet 1
10067 CJUS 101 975 Intr to Criminal Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
11272 CJUS 201 975 Criminal Law Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
10075 CJUS 278 975 Management of Correctional Fac Cornelius, Aaron Internet 3
10082 CJUS 294 975 Medicolegal Death Investig Cornelius, Aaron Internet 3
10088 CJUS 299 975 Juvenile Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
11188 COMM 215 175 Special Topics Wakefield, Samuel Lecture 1400 1630 D311 T R 3
10576 CTEC 100 975 Computer Concepts Sujith, Jini Grace Internet 3
10567 CTEC 102 975 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Wilson, Chaunda Internet 3
10635 CTEC 118 975 Help Desk Operations Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10590 CTEC 274 975 Data Analytics Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10470 CULA 130 975 The Hospitality Industry Dupont, Julie Internet 1
11287 CULA 180 975 Culinary Arts Externship Dupont, Julie Internet 2
10134 ENGL 102 975 Composition & Rhetoric II Smith, Joy Internet 3
C 10137 ENGL 202 975 Major American Writers Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10667 ENGR 201 875 Mechanics of Engineer Material Lackman, Lamont Hybrid 0900 1045 L228 M W 3
10659 FRSC 120 975 Fire Behavior and Combustion Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10660 FRSC 130 975 Princ. Fire & Emer. Serv. Sfty Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10661 FRSC 240 975 Strategy and Tactics Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10662 FRSC 250 975 Hazardous Materials Chemistry Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10550 HCM 202 975 Healthcare Informatics Rao, Deepika Internet 3
10552 HCM 205 975 Risk and Insurance Harden, LeaShondria Internet 3
10553 HCM 226 975 Perspectives on Aging Richards, Kimberly Internet 3
10555 HCM 290 975 Healthcare Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
C 10366 HIST 102 975 Western Civilization II Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10372 HIST 201 975 American History I McVey, Ashley Internet 3
C 10376 HIST 202 975 American History II Ragan, Edward Internet 3
C 10380 HIST 203 975 Louisiana History Price, Joy Internet 3
11275 MATH 102 975 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Internet 3
10739 MOS 109 951 Survey of Medical Coding Zeringue, Ashley Internet 4
C 11045 MOS 253 975 Code Sets in Rural Health Taylor, Samantha Internet 3
10763 NURS 210 175 Pediatric Nursing Preimesberger, Angela Lecture 0800 0950 H217 WR 2
10766 NURS 213 175 Pediatric Practicum Preimesberger, Angela Practicum 0630 1530 MT 1
10430 NURS 213 675 Pediatric Practicum Preimesberger, Angela Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
10430 NURS 213 675 Pediatric Practicum Fourcade, Susan Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
10768 NURS 220 175 Women's Health Nursing Lawrence, Kelley Lecture 1000 1150 H217 WR 2
10771 NURS 224 175 Women's Health Practicum Lawrence, Kelley Practicum 0630 1500 MT 1
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Snellgrove, Melissa Lect and Lab 0945 1430 H325 MT 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Snellgrove, Melissa Lect and Lab 0800 1530 RF 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0945 1430 H325 MT 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0800 1530 RF 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0945 1430 H325 MT 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 1530 RF 4
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Snellgrove, Melissa Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Ebarb, Stacy Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Herrington, Willie Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Archibald, Stacie Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Snellgrove, Melissa Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Berry, Nancy Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Ebarb, Stacy Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Herrington, Willie Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Coyle, Cassandra Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Herrington, Amanda Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Holsapple, Ambrosia Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10395 PSYC 201 975 Introduction to Psychology Green, Amber Internet 3
10449 PSYC 220 975 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
11271 PSYC 220 976 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
10810 RLGN 201 875 New Testament Survey I Williamson, Aviva Hybrid 1230 1345 G221 T R 3
10263 SCI 102 975 Foundations in Science II Mayadunne, Erandi Internet 3
11309 SLGY 201 975 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Internet 3
11057 SONO 220 875 Comprehensive Seminar Hester, Minnie Hybrid 1000 1200 T 1
11270 SPCH 110 975 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
11310 SPCH 115 975 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
10805 THTR 101 975 Introduction to Theatre Boyter, James Internet 3
C 11243 THTR 211 175 Theatre Arts Apprenticeship Crawford, Ray Lecture 3
10646 WELD 207 175 Adv Flx Cor & Gas Met Arc Wel Stevenson, Tommy Lect and Lab 0830 1330 L212 MTWR 4
10646 WELD 207 175 Adv Flx Cor & Gas Met Arc Wel Brownlee, Joseph Lect and Lab 0830 1330 L212 MTWR 4
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session D

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
C 10637 CTEC 125 301 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
11086 CTEC 125 302 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 0800 1030 G215 WR 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session E

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11087 CTEC 125 326 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 0800 1030 G215 WR 3
11257 CTEC 125 327 Fiber Optics I Jones, Jimmy Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 WR 3
C 10639 CTEC 126 325 Fiber Optics II Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session F

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11088 CTEC 125 351 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 0800 1030 G215 WR 3
11311 CTEC 125 352 Fiber Optics I Jones, Jimmy Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 WR 3
C 10641 CTEC 127 350 Fiber Optics III Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session G

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11312 CTEC 125 375 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Covington, Ginger Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Cannon, Amy Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Jorstad, Carole Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Bergeron, Terrie Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Herrington, Amanda Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session J

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10487 ACCT 218 965 Payroll Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10648 ALHT 109 625 Health Care Systems & Safety Winter, Constance Internet 2
10148 ART 206 825 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Hybrid 0930 1045 G304 T 3
C 10149 ART 206 965 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Internet 3
C 11183 ART 206 966 Introduction to Visual Arts Ingram, Tamrin Internet 3
10494 BADM 105 965 Gen. Business Administration White, Kolby Internet 3
10502 BADM 108 965 Finance Witteman, Pamelyn Internet 3
10507 BADM 113 965 Business Math Driver, Danielle Internet 3
10526 BADM 212 965 Principles of Management Brooks-Barnes, Cynthia Internet 3
10531 BADM 213 965 Human Resource Management Johnson, Natosha Internet 3
10535 BADM 214 965 Principles of Marketing Hart, Leah Internet 3
10543 BADM 217 625 Organizational Behavior Gaines, Raymond Lecture 1230 1345 G207 M W 3
10559 BADM 230 965 Money and Banking Manning, Nathaniel Internet 3
11195 BLGY 107 965 Environmental Science Broxson, Matthew Internet 3
10212 BLGY 110 965 Medical Terminology Mullins, Erica Internet 3
C 11165 BLGY 110 966 Medical Terminology Allison, Michele Internet 3
11232 BLGY 110 967 Medical Terminology Hunt, Alice Internet 3
C 11078 CJUS 101 965 Intr to Criminal Justice Lawrence, Erik Internet 3
10081 CJUS 293 965 Ethics in Criminal Law McDowell, Daimian Internet 3
C 10085 CJUS 298 965 Criminal Justice Internship STAFF Internet 3
10836 COMM 120 865 Digital Media Survey Johnson, Thomas Hybrid 1400 1515 D348 T 3
10837 COMM 125 865 Media Literacy Allen, Jackie Hybrid 1230 1345 D348 M 3
11191 COMM 216 865 Adobe Photoshop Turner, Lauren Hybrid 1400 1515 D309 T 3
10027 COMM 258 865 Media Portfolio Turner, Lauren Hybrid 0800 0915 D127 W 3
10579 CTEC 100 865 Computer Concepts Douglas, Theodies Hybrid 0930 1045 G320 S 3
10574 CTEC 100 965 Computer Concepts Thomas, Natasha Internet 3
C 10570 CTEC 101 965 Info Technology Principles Smith, Richard Internet 3
10566 CTEC 102 965 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Internet 3
10626 CTEC 112 625 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Lecture 1230 1345 G317 M W 3
10563 CTEC 112 965 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10562 CTEC 114 965 IT Software Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10471 CULA 180 965 Culinary Arts Externship Dupont, Julie Internet 2
C 10729 EDUC 101 965 Introduction to Education Knowles, Keali Internet 3
11142 EDUC 105 965 Intro to Education Technology Renfro, Nathan Internet 3
11179 EDUC 201 865 Teach & Learn in Diverse Set Chandler, Gulnara Hybrid 0930 1045 E326 T R 3
10823 ENGL 011L L66 Composition Corequisite Lab Smith, Joy Internet 3
C 10825 ENGL 011L L67 Composition Corequisite Lab Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
11223 ENGL 011L L68 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Internet 3
10827 ENGL 101 967 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Internet 3
C 11185 ENGL 101 968 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
11226 ENGL 101 969 Composition & Rhetoric I Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10097 ENGL 101 L25 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Hybrid 1100 1215 G206 M W 3
10822 ENGL 101 L66 Composition & Rhetoric I Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
C 10824 ENGL 101 L67 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
11222 ENGL 101 L68 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Internet 3
C 10133 ENGL 102 965 Composition & Rhetoric II Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
11186 ENGL 201 965 Major British Writers Guerin, Karen Internet 3
10138 ENGL 290 865 Creative Writing Brown, Jonathan Hybrid 1100 1215 G204 W 3
10348 FYSE 100 965 First Year Student Experience Mercer, Andrew Internet 3
C 11180 HIST 101 965 Western Civilization I Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10365 HIST 102 965 Western Civilization II Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10371 HIST 201 965 American History I Houston, Sherman Internet 3
C 10375 HIST 202 965 American History II Butler, Cynthia Internet 3
10377 HIST 203 825 Louisiana History Butler, Cynthia Hybrid 1100 1150 E203 M W 3
11192 HMAN 201 965 Prehistoric - Medieval Culture Guerin, Karen Internet 3
10044 HMAN 203 965 Film and Culture McDade, Kelly Internet 3
11234 ISAF 101 965 Industrial Safety Landry, Jonathan Internet 2
C 11182 MATH 012L L60 College Algebra Coreq Lab Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
C 11198 MATH 102 965 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Internet 3
C 11181 MATH 102 L60 College Algebra Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
11187 MUSC 140 625 Concert Band Beagley, Ted Lecture 1100 1215 C123 T R 1
C 11225 MUSC 231 625 Applied Voice Fortenberry, Sarah Lecture 2
11196 PHSC 107 965 Environmental Science Broxson, Matthew Internet 3
C 10354 POSC 202 965 State and Local Gov. Trompe, Gregory Internet 3
C 10384 PSYC 201 865 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Hybrid 1100 1215 E306 T R 3
10392 PSYC 201 965 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
11184 PSYC 201 966 Introduction to Psychology Taylor, LaDonna Internet 3
11211 PSYC 201 967 Introduction to Psychology Taylor, LaDonna Internet 3
11227 PSYC 201 968 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10680 PSYC 220 865 Developmental Psychology Green, Amber Hybrid 0930 1045 E306 M W 3
10423 PSYC 220 866 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Hybrid 1230 1345 E313 M W 3
C 10448 PSYC 220 965 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
C 10262 SCI 101 965 Foundations in Science Wheat, Jackson Internet 3
C 10407 SLGY 201 965 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Internet 3
C 10409 SLGY 202 965 Social Problems Theus, Sandra Internet 3
10412 SLGY 207 965 Race, Class & Ethnicity Hinze, Wesley Internet 3
10049 SPCH 110 865 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Hybrid 1230 1345 D303 T 3
10830 SPCH 110 965 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session Special

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11009 ALHT 211 675 Phlebotomy Hospital Clinicals Mullins, Erica Clinical 1300 1700 R 7
11009 ALHT 211 675 Phlebotomy Hospital Clinicals Smith, Jennifer Clinical 1300 1700 R 7
11009 ALHT 211 675 Phlebotomy Hospital Clinicals Shepherd, Melissa Clinical 1300 1700 R 7
11016 EMTP 151 675 Advanced EMT Applications Nutt, Allison Clinical 2
11013 EMTP 206 675 Spec Consid & Assess Bas Manag Nutt, Allison Hybrid 0830 1630 H337 TW 3
11014 EMTP 207 675 Operations Anderson, Jeffery Hybrid 0830 1630 H337 TW 1
11015 EMTP 208 675 Treatment of Med Patient II Anderson, Jeffery Hybrid 0830 1630 H337 TW 4
11011 OCTA 220 675 Fieldwork Level II-A Allison, Michele Clinical 6
11012 OCTA 221 675 Fieldwork Level II-B Allison, Michele Clinical 6
11010 PTAP 206 675 Clinical Practice I Cox, Kimberly Clinical MTWRF 3
11017 RSTH 202 675 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 0900 1600 M W F 4
11017 RSTH 202 675 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 1300 1600 R 4
11018 RSTH 202 676 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 0900 1600 H M W F 4
11018 RSTH 202 676 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 1300 1600 H R 4
11020 RSTH 204 675 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology Duck, Caitlin Lecture 0900 1200 H T 3
11021 RSTH 204 676 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology Duck, Caitlin Lecture 0900 1200 H T 3
11019 RSTH 210 675 Clinical Appl and Proc I Danzy, Jillian Lecture 0700 1900 H M W F 2
11022 RSTH 220 675 Pulmonary Disease Duck, Caitlin Lecture 1300 1600 T 3
11023 RSTH 220 676 Pulmonary Disease Duck, Caitlin Lecture 1300 1600 H T 3
11024 RSTH 226 675 Respiratory Care Seminar I Michel, Lindsay Lecture 0900 1200 H R 2
11025 RSTH 226 676 Respiratory Care Seminar I Michel, Lindsay Lecture 0900 1200 H R 2
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Session Special 01

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11239 BLGY 120L 675 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Fields, Wendy Lab 1100 1215 H226 M W 1
11240 BLGY 230 675 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Horton, Zachary Lecture 0800 0915 H226 M W 3
11241 BLGY 230L 675 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Robinson, Alexa Lab 0930 1045 H231 T R 1
11242 BLGY 230L 676 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Lab 0930 1045 H230 M W 1
11244 BLGY 230L 677 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Robinson, Alexa Lab 1100 1215 H230 M W 1
11245 BLGY 231 675 Anatomy and Physiology II Robinson, Alexa Lecture 1830 1945 H220 T R 3
11246 BLGY 231L 675 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Robinson, Alexa Lab 2000 2115 H220 T R 1
11256 SLGY 201 966 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Lecture 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Clinical

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10649 ALHT 210 175 Medical Assistant Practicum Mullins, Erica Clinical 3
11009 ALHT 211 675 Phlebotomy Hospital Clinicals Mullins, Erica Clinical 1300 1700 R 7
11009 ALHT 211 675 Phlebotomy Hospital Clinicals Smith, Jennifer Clinical 1300 1700 R 7
11009 ALHT 211 675 Phlebotomy Hospital Clinicals Shepherd, Melissa Clinical 1300 1700 R 7
11016 EMTP 151 675 Advanced EMT Applications Nutt, Allison Clinical 2
10295 EMTP 211 101 Paramedic Clinical Experience Nutt, Allison Clinical 3
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Covington, Ginger Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Cannon, Amy Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Jorstad, Carole Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Bergeron, Terrie Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
C 10422 NURS 202 175 Nursing Practicum I Herrington, Amanda Clinical 0630 1430 TW 1
11011 OCTA 220 675 Fieldwork Level II-A Allison, Michele Clinical 6
11012 OCTA 221 675 Fieldwork Level II-B Allison, Michele Clinical 6
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Snellgrove, Melissa Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Berry, Nancy Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Ebarb, Stacy Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Herrington, Willie Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Coyle, Cassandra Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Bergeron, Terrie Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Herrington, Amanda Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Archibald, Stacie Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10955 PRNU 141 151 PN Med Surg I Clinical Holsapple, Ambrosia Clinical 0630 1530 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Snellgrove, Melissa Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Berry, Nancy Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Ebarb, Stacy Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Herrington, Willie Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Coyle, Cassandra Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Herrington, Amanda Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10957 PRNU 221 175 PN Med Surg II Clinical Holsapple, Ambrosia Clinical 0630 1530 H216 TWR 3
10951 PRNU 261 101 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Herrington, Willie Clinical 0630 1430 TWR 3
10951 PRNU 261 101 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Bergeron, Terrie Clinical 0630 1430 TWR 3
10951 PRNU 261 101 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Archibald, Stacie Clinical 0630 1430 TWR 3
11010 PTAP 206 675 Clinical Practice I Cox, Kimberly Clinical MTWRF 3
11058 SONO 218 850 Clinical Practicum III Hester, Minnie Clinical 0800 1630 TW F 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Field Experience

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10296 EMTP 213 101 Field Experience Anderson, Jeffery Field Exp 2
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Hybrid

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10143 ART 206 801 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Hybrid 1100 1215 G304 M 3
10148 ART 206 825 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Hybrid 0930 1045 G304 T 3
11277 BLGY 230 875 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Horton, Zachary Hybrid 0800 0915 H226 T R 3
11278 BLGY 230L 875 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Hybrid 1100 1215 H226 T R 1
10072 CJUS 211 801 Criminology Hinze, Wesley Hybrid 1230 1345 E147 T 3
10836 COMM 120 865 Digital Media Survey Johnson, Thomas Hybrid 1400 1515 D348 T 3
10837 COMM 125 865 Media Literacy Allen, Jackie Hybrid 1230 1345 D348 M 3
10016 COMM 210 801 Fundamentals of Advertising Robison, Jennifer Hybrid 1230 1345 D348 W 3
11191 COMM 216 865 Adobe Photoshop Turner, Lauren Hybrid 1400 1515 D309 T 3
10027 COMM 258 865 Media Portfolio Turner, Lauren Hybrid 0800 0915 D127 W 3
10579 CTEC 100 865 Computer Concepts Douglas, Theodies Hybrid 0930 1045 G320 S 3
10593 CTEC 101 801 Info Technology Principles Douglas, Theodies Hybrid 1100 1215 G317 S 3
C 10637 CTEC 125 301 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
11086 CTEC 125 302 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 0800 1030 G215 WR 3
11087 CTEC 125 326 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 0800 1030 G215 WR 3
11257 CTEC 125 327 Fiber Optics I Jones, Jimmy Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 WR 3
11088 CTEC 125 351 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 0800 1030 G215 WR 3
11311 CTEC 125 352 Fiber Optics I Jones, Jimmy Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 WR 3
11312 CTEC 125 375 Fiber Optics I Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
C 10639 CTEC 126 325 Fiber Optics II Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
C 10641 CTEC 127 350 Fiber Optics III Boone, Alexander Hybrid 1730 2000 G215 MT 3
10465 CULA 100 801 Sanitation Dupont, Julie Hybrid 1000 1200 F204 R 3
10475 CULA 120 801 Food Preparation Principles Dupont, Julie Hybrid 1230 1630 F204 TWR 6
10475 CULA 120 801 Food Preparation Principles Halliday, Joseph Hybrid 1230 1630 F204 TWR 6
10467 CULA 200 801 Regional Cuisine Halliday, Joseph Hybrid 0830 1130 F204 F 3
10472 CULA 210 801 International Cuisine Halliday, Joseph Hybrid 1230 1530 F204 F 3
11179 EDUC 201 865 Teach & Learn in Diverse Set Chandler, Gulnara Hybrid 0930 1045 E326 T R 3
10290 EMTP 100 802 Emergency Medical Technician Bossier, Maudie Hybrid 1830 2130 H339 T 8
11013 EMTP 206 675 Spec Consid & Assess Bas Manag Nutt, Allison Hybrid 0830 1630 H337 TW 3
11014 EMTP 207 675 Operations Anderson, Jeffery Hybrid 0830 1630 H337 TW 1
11015 EMTP 208 675 Treatment of Med Patient II Anderson, Jeffery Hybrid 0830 1630 H337 TW 4
10817 ENGL 011L L07 Composition Corequisite Lab Ekstrom, Alexandra Hybrid 1230 1345 G205 R 3
10679 ENGL 011L L27 Composition Corequisite Lab Bryant, Maudie Hybrid 0800 0915 G206 S 3
10113 ENGL 101 801 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Hybrid 0930 1045 E226 T 3
10783 ENGL 101 802 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Hybrid 1700 1815 G206 T 3
10816 ENGL 101 L07 Composition & Rhetoric I Smith, Joy Hybrid 1230 1345 G205 T 3
10097 ENGL 101 L25 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Hybrid 1100 1215 G206 M W 3
10112 ENGL 101 L27 Composition & Rhetoric I Bryant, Maudie Hybrid 0930 1045 G206 S 3
10125 ENGL 102 801 Composition & Rhetoric II Guerin, Karen Hybrid 0930 1045 G319 T 3
10138 ENGL 290 865 Creative Writing Brown, Jonathan Hybrid 1100 1215 G204 W 3
10667 ENGR 201 875 Mechanics of Engineer Material Lackman, Lamont Hybrid 0900 1045 L228 M W 3
10666 ENGR 220 850 Statics Lackman, Lamont Hybrid 0900 1045 L228 M W 3
10377 HIST 203 825 Louisiana History Butler, Cynthia Hybrid 1100 1150 E203 M W 3
11079 NURS 205 801 Pharmacology I Bohl, Christine Hybrid 1
11027 NURS 211 801 Adult Nursing II Bohl, Christine Hybrid 3
11030 NURS 214 801 Pharmacology II Richardson, Kathryn Hybrid 1
C 11031 NURS 220 801 Women's Health Nursing Lawrence, Kelley Hybrid 2
11004 OGPT 103 801 Drilling Technology Landry, Jonathan Hybrid 1700 1815 L132 M 3
11003 OGPT 150 801 Reg Issues for Oil & Gas Indus Landry, Jonathan Hybrid 1530 1620 L134 M 2
10383 PSYC 201 801 Introduction to Psychology Nettles, Theresa Hybrid 0900 0950 E151 M W 3
C 10384 PSYC 201 865 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Hybrid 1100 1215 E306 T R 3
10421 PSYC 220 801 Developmental Psychology Green, Amber Hybrid 1100 1150 E306 M W 3
10680 PSYC 220 865 Developmental Psychology Green, Amber Hybrid 0930 1045 E306 M W 3
10423 PSYC 220 866 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Hybrid 1230 1345 E313 M W 3
10810 RLGN 201 875 New Testament Survey I Williamson, Aviva Hybrid 1230 1345 G221 T R 3
10413 SLGY 211 801 Criminology Hinze, Wesley Hybrid 1230 1345 E147 T 3
C 10278 SONO 200 801 Introduction to Sonography Turner, Ocinara Hybrid 1615 1730 H223 M 2
C 10279 SONO 201 801 Physics and Instrumentation Hester, Minnie Hybrid 1200 1300 H223 M 2
C 10280 SONO 202 801 Abdominal Sonography Hester, Minnie Hybrid 0845 1000 H223 M 1
C 10281 SONO 203 801 Gynecologic Sonography Morrison, Chad Hybrid 0730 0845 H223 M 2
11056 SONO 217 801 Abdominal Sonography III Hester, Minnie Hybrid 1000 1200 B112 M 1
11055 SONO 219 801 Adv. OB/GYN Sonography Morrison, Chad Hybrid 0845 1000 B112 M 2
11057 SONO 220 875 Comprehensive Seminar Hester, Minnie Hybrid 1000 1200 T 1
10048 SPCH 110 802 Public Speaking Leber, Rona Hybrid 1000 1050 D303 M W 3
10049 SPCH 110 865 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Hybrid 1230 1345 D303 T 3
C 10569 TEED 142 801 Print Reading for ENGR and Man Harner, Mark Hybrid 1700 1815 L228 T 3
10618 TEED 202 501 Intro to Microprocessors Lackman, Lamont Hybrid 1700 1815 L216 M W 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Internet

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10477 ACCT 205 901 Intro Financial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10478 ACCT 205 902 Intro Financial Accounting Thomas, Briana Internet 3
10480 ACCT 205 950 Intro Financial Accounting Jones, Jimmy Internet 3
11051 ACCT 205 975 Intro Financial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10483 ACCT 206 901 Intro Managerial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
11080 ACCT 206 902 Intro Managerial Accounting Bradford, Terence Internet 3
10484 ACCT 206 975 Intro Managerial Accounting Davis, Rachel Internet 3
10485 ACCT 210 950 Personal Income Tax Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10486 ACCT 212 975 Computerized Accounting Creswell, David Internet 3
10487 ACCT 218 965 Payroll Accounting Grant, Daphnee Internet 3
10318 ALHT 105 901 Medical Ethics and Law Winter, Constance Internet 3
10319 ALHT 105 902 Medical Ethics and Law Winter, Constance Internet 3
10668 ALHT 105 975 Medical Ethics and Law Winter, Constance Internet 3
10648 ALHT 109 625 Health Care Systems & Safety Winter, Constance Internet 2
C 10322 ALHT 109 901 Health Care Systems & Safety Winter, Constance Internet 2
10323 ALHT 109 902 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Internet 2
10324 ALHT 109 903 Health Care Systems & Safety Winter, Constance Internet 2
10325 ALHT 109 904 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Internet 2
11097 ALHT 109 975 Health Care Systems & Safety Cox, Kimberly Internet 2
11258 ALHT 109 976 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Internet 2
C 10331 ALHT 206 901 Pathophysiology Williams, Dominique Internet 3
10726 ALHT 207 901 Advanced Medical Language Williams, Dominique Internet 3
10140 ART 201 950 Art History I Wagoner, John Internet 3
C 10141 ART 202 975 Art History II Wagoner, John Internet 3
10144 ART 206 901 Introduction to Visual Arts Thompson, Lily Internet 3
10145 ART 206 902 Introduction to Visual Arts Thompson, Lily Internet 3
10146 ART 206 903 Introduction to Visual Arts Thompson, Lily Internet 3
C 10149 ART 206 965 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Internet 3
C 11183 ART 206 966 Introduction to Visual Arts Ingram, Tamrin Internet 3
10150 ART 206 975 Introduction to Visual Arts Ingram, Tamrin Internet 3
10557 BADM 102 901 Customer Service Skills Stevenson, Alana Internet 3
10558 BADM 102 975 Customer Service Skills Stevenson, Alana Internet 3
10490 BADM 105 901 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Internet 3
10491 BADM 105 902 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Internet 3
10492 BADM 105 903 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Internet 3
10493 BADM 105 950 Gen. Business Administration Johnson, Natosha Internet 3
10494 BADM 105 965 Gen. Business Administration White, Kolby Internet 3
10495 BADM 105 975 Gen. Business Administration Owens, Barbara Internet 3
C 10498 BADM 108 901 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10499 BADM 108 902 Finance Dansby, Julian Internet 3
10500 BADM 108 903 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10501 BADM 108 950 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10502 BADM 108 965 Finance Witteman, Pamelyn Internet 3
10503 BADM 108 975 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10505 BADM 113 901 Business Math Driver, Danielle Internet 3
10506 BADM 113 902 Business Math Stevenson, Alana Internet 3
10507 BADM 113 965 Business Math Driver, Danielle Internet 3
10509 BADM 201 901 Principles of Macroeconomics Manning, Nathaniel Internet 3
10510 BADM 201 902 Principles of Macroeconomics Sherwood, Audra Internet 3
10512 BADM 201 950 Principles of Macroeconomics Partapurwala, Mohammed Internet 3
10514 BADM 201 975 Principles of Macroeconomics Chavarria, Marlo Internet 3
10516 BADM 202 901 Principles of Microeconomics Chavarria, Marlo Internet 3
10518 BADM 202 950 Principles of Microeconomics Chavarria, Marlo Internet 3
10519 BADM 202 975 Principles of Microeconomics Partapurwala, Mohammed Internet 3
10520 BADM 203 975 Business Statistics Manning, Nathaniel Internet 3
10523 BADM 212 901 Principles of Management Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10524 BADM 212 902 Principles of Management Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10525 BADM 212 950 Principles of Management Jane, Courtney Internet 3
10526 BADM 212 965 Principles of Management Brooks-Barnes, Cynthia Internet 3
10527 BADM 212 975 Principles of Management Brooks-Barnes, Cynthia Internet 3
10529 BADM 213 901 Human Resource Management Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10530 BADM 213 950 Human Resource Management Smith, Jennifer Internet 3
10531 BADM 213 965 Human Resource Management Johnson, Natosha Internet 3
10533 BADM 214 901 Principles of Marketing Cason, Elisabeth Internet 3
10534 BADM 214 950 Principles of Marketing Dansby, Julian Internet 3
10535 BADM 214 965 Principles of Marketing Hart, Leah Internet 3
10536 BADM 214 975 Principles of Marketing Cathcart, Kyle Internet 3
10538 BADM 215 901 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10539 BADM 215 950 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10540 BADM 215 975 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10541 BADM 216 901 Sm Business Entrepreneurship Valcho, George Internet 3
10542 BADM 216 975 Sm Business Entrepreneurship Dunneback, Devan Internet 3
10544 BADM 217 901 Organizational Behavior Smith, Jennifer Internet 3
10545 BADM 217 975 Organizational Behavior Lamette, Bridget Internet 3
10546 BADM 220 901 Business Communications Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10547 BADM 220 975 Business Communications Adeyemi, Oluwakemi Internet 3
10559 BADM 230 965 Money and Banking Manning, Nathaniel Internet 3
C 10198 BLGY 101 901 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Sankaralingam, Saikolappan Internet 3
10199 BLGY 101 902 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Bryan, Ty Internet 3
10774 BLGY 101 903 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Sankaralingam, Saikolappan Internet 3
10205 BLGY 105 901 Elements of Biology I Johnson, Trenton Internet 3
10775 BLGY 105 902 Elements of Biology I Johnson, Trenton Internet 3
10207 BLGY 106 901 Elements of Biology II Hendrix, Natalie Internet 3
11195 BLGY 107 965 Environmental Science Broxson, Matthew Internet 3
10209 BLGY 110 901 Medical Terminology Tully, Paula Internet 3
10785 BLGY 110 902 Medical Terminology Tully, Paula Internet 3
10663 BLGY 110 904 Medical Terminology Hunt, Alice Internet 3
11048 BLGY 110 905 Medical Terminology Winter, Constance Internet 3
11081 BLGY 110 906 Medical Terminology Winter, Constance Internet 3
11085 BLGY 110 907 Medical Terminology Hunt, Alice Internet 3
10212 BLGY 110 965 Medical Terminology Mullins, Erica Internet 3
C 11165 BLGY 110 966 Medical Terminology Allison, Michele Internet 3
11232 BLGY 110 967 Medical Terminology Hunt, Alice Internet 3
11233 BLGY 110 975 Medical Terminology Weinreber, Aundrea Internet 3
10219 BLGY 202 901 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Internet 3
10220 BLGY 202 902 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Adams, Jamie Internet 3
10776 BLGY 202 903 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Internet 3
10224 BLGY 202L 901 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Fields, Wendy Internet 1
10225 BLGY 202L 902 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Adams, Jamie Internet 1
10787 BLGY 202L 903 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Fields, Wendy Internet 1
10230 BLGY 203 901 Basic Nutrition King, Shawndray Internet 3
10777 BLGY 203 902 Basic Nutrition King, Shawndray Internet 3
10967 BLGY 203 975 Basic Nutrition King, Shawndray Internet 3
10231 BLGY 230 901 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Adams, Jamie Internet 3
C 10232 BLGY 230 902 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Janese, David Internet 3
10233 BLGY 230 950 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Janese, David Internet 3
C 10247 BLGY 230L 901 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Johnson, Trenton Internet 1
10745 BLGY 230L 902 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Johnson, Trenton Internet 1
C 10778 BLGY 230L 903 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Janese, David Internet 1
C 11039 BLGY 230L 950 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Janese, David Internet 1
10253 BLGY 231 901 Anatomy and Physiology II Fields, Wendy Internet 3
10332 BLGY 231 902 Anatomy and Physiology II Brazie, Randy Internet 3
C 10333 BLGY 231 976 Anatomy and Physiology II Brazie, Randy Internet 3
C 10334 BLGY 231L 901 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Brazie, Randy Internet 1
10786 BLGY 231L 975 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Brazie, Randy Internet 1
10273 CHEM 107 901 Introductory Chemistry McNamara, Kerry Internet 3
10064 CJUS 101 901 Intr to Criminal Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
C 11078 CJUS 101 965 Intr to Criminal Justice Lawrence, Erik Internet 3
10067 CJUS 101 975 Intr to Criminal Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
10069 CJUS 201 901 Criminal Law Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
11272 CJUS 201 975 Criminal Law Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
10070 CJUS 202 901 Criminal Investigation McDowell, Daimian Internet 3
10071 CJUS 204 950 Accident Investigation Hollis, John Internet 3
10073 CJUS 232 901 Police Supervision Hollis, John Internet 3
10074 CJUS 276 950 Probation, Parole, and Treatme Horton, Jacqueline Internet 3
10075 CJUS 278 975 Management of Correctional Fac Cornelius, Aaron Internet 3
10076 CJUS 290 950 Homeland Security Hollis, John Internet 3
10078 CJUS 291 950 Criminal Evidence & Procedure Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
10080 CJUS 292 901 Police-Community Relations Horton, Jacqueline Internet 3
10081 CJUS 293 965 Ethics in Criminal Law McDowell, Daimian Internet 3
10082 CJUS 294 975 Medicolegal Death Investig Cornelius, Aaron Internet 3
10083 CJUS 295 901 Criminalistics Sanders, Mallori Internet 3
C 10085 CJUS 298 965 Criminal Justice Internship STAFF Internet 3
10086 CJUS 299 901 Juvenile Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
10088 CJUS 299 975 Juvenile Justice Spratley, Horace Internet 3
10002 COMM 108 901 Marketing of Recorded Music Allen, Jackie Internet 3
10006 COMM 141 901 Social Media Marketing Leber, Lari Internet 3
10010 COMM 163 901 History of Photography Robison, Jennifer Internet 3
C 10012 COMM 170 901 Introduction to Mass Media Cameron, Charles Internet 3
10580 CTEC 100 901 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Internet 3
10581 CTEC 100 902 Computer Concepts Wilson, Chaunda Internet 3
10583 CTEC 100 903 Computer Concepts Childs, Angelia Internet 3
10584 CTEC 100 904 Computer Concepts Drummer-Wells, Amanda Internet 3
C 10585 CTEC 100 905 Computer Concepts Fisher, Kenneth Internet 3
C 10587 CTEC 100 906 Computer Concepts Fisher, Kenneth Internet 3
10577 CTEC 100 950 Computer Concepts Fredrick, Leah Internet 3
10574 CTEC 100 965 Computer Concepts Thomas, Natasha Internet 3
10576 CTEC 100 975 Computer Concepts Sujith, Jini Grace Internet 3
10594 CTEC 101 901 Info Technology Principles Hall, Steven Internet 3
10595 CTEC 101 902 Info Technology Principles Linder, Doctor Internet 3
C 10570 CTEC 101 965 Info Technology Principles Smith, Richard Internet 3
10864 CTEC 102 901 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Internet 3
10566 CTEC 102 965 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Internet 3
10567 CTEC 102 975 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Wilson, Chaunda Internet 3
10611 CTEC 104 901 Introduction to Scripting Green, Jeremy Internet 3
10617 CTEC 107 S01 Skills for IT Success Fredrick, Leah Internet 1800 1930 M W 3
10620 CTEC 107 S02 Skills for IT Success Lott, Paula Internet 1800 1930 T R 3
10773 CTEC 107 S03 Skills for IT Success Hall, Steven Internet 1800 1930 M W 3
10622 CTEC 108 950 Intro to Mgmt Information Sys Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10628 CTEC 112 901 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10563 CTEC 112 965 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10632 CTEC 114 901 IT Software Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10562 CTEC 114 965 IT Software Support Freeman, Eric Internet 3
10635 CTEC 118 975 Help Desk Operations Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10623 CTEC 130 901 HTML5/CSS3 Turner, Steven Internet 3
10619 CTEC 145 901 Advanced MS Excel Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10616 CTEC 149 901 Web Scripting Turner, Steven Internet 3
10866 CTEC 151 901 Advanced JAVA Programming Turner, Steven Internet 3
10612 CTEC 155 901 Network Essentials Rondeau, Christopher Internet 3
10609 CTEC 165 901 Introduction to Virtualization Haley, Randy Internet 3
10608 CTEC 170 901 Microsoft Windows Servers Hyde, Jonathan Internet 3
10605 CTEC 172 901 Linux Server Lambright, Blake Internet 3
10603 CTEC 235 901 Mobile App Development Turner, Steven Internet 3
10867 CTEC 243 901 Data Structures Turner, Steven Internet 3
10601 CTEC 250 901 Programming with C# Green, Jeremy Internet 3
10600 CTEC 255 901 CCNA I Rondeau, Christopher Internet 4
10596 CTEC 263 901 Cloud + Hyde, Jonathan Internet 3
10590 CTEC 274 975 Data Analytics Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10589 CTEC 282 950 IT Project Management Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10586 CTEC 287 901 Network Security Design Rondeau, Christopher Internet 3
C 10468 CULA 110 901 Nutrition Dupont, Julie Internet 3
C 10466 CULA 115 901 Mathematics of Culinary Arts Halliday, Joseph Internet 2
10469 CULA 125 901 Basic Skills Development Halliday, Joseph Internet 2
10469 CULA 125 901 Basic Skills Development Rosado, Richard Internet 2
10470 CULA 130 975 The Hospitality Industry Dupont, Julie Internet 1
10870 CULA 150 901 Menu Planning Halliday, Joseph Internet 3
10875 CULA 160 950 Dining Room Service Starrett, Mark Internet 1
10875 CULA 160 950 Dining Room Service Halliday, Joseph Internet 1
10871 CULA 170 901 Supervisory Management Dupont, Julie Internet 3
10871 CULA 170 901 Supervisory Management Starrett, Mark Internet 3
10471 CULA 180 965 Culinary Arts Externship Dupont, Julie Internet 2
11287 CULA 180 975 Culinary Arts Externship Dupont, Julie Internet 2
10473 CULA 217 901 Human Relations & Supervisor Dupont, Julie Internet 3
10473 CULA 217 901 Human Relations & Supervisor Starrett, Mark Internet 3
10474 CULA 235 901 Purchasing and Cost Control Dupont, Julie Internet 3
C 10729 EDUC 101 965 Introduction to Education Knowles, Keali Internet 3
11142 EDUC 105 965 Intro to Education Technology Renfro, Nathan Internet 3
10100 ENGL 011L L08 Composition Corequisite Lab Smith, Joy Internet 3
10102 ENGL 011L L09 Composition Corequisite Lab Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
10104 ENGL 011L L10 Composition Corequisite Lab Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
10819 ENGL 011L L11 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Internet 3
C 11135 ENGL 011L L12 Composition Corequisite Lab Lofton, Jennifer Internet 3
10823 ENGL 011L L66 Composition Corequisite Lab Smith, Joy Internet 3
C 10825 ENGL 011L L67 Composition Corequisite Lab Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
11223 ENGL 011L L68 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Internet 3
10114 ENGL 101 901 Composition & Rhetoric I Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10115 ENGL 101 902 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Internet 3
C 10116 ENGL 101 903 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Internet 3
10118 ENGL 101 905 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
11068 ENGL 101 950 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Internet 3
10827 ENGL 101 967 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Internet 3
C 11185 ENGL 101 968 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
11226 ENGL 101 969 Composition & Rhetoric I Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10099 ENGL 101 L08 Composition & Rhetoric I Lofton, Jennifer Internet 3
10101 ENGL 101 L09 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
10103 ENGL 101 L10 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
10818 ENGL 101 L11 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Internet 3
C 11134 ENGL 101 L12 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Internet 3
10822 ENGL 101 L66 Composition & Rhetoric I Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
C 10824 ENGL 101 L67 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
11222 ENGL 101 L68 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Internet 3
10126 ENGL 102 901 Composition & Rhetoric II Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10127 ENGL 102 902 Composition & Rhetoric II Guerin, Karen Internet 3
C 10128 ENGL 102 903 Composition & Rhetoric II Guerin, Karen Internet 3
10129 ENGL 102 904 Composition & Rhetoric II Jones, Laura Internet 3
C 10130 ENGL 102 905 Composition & Rhetoric II Brown, Jonathan Internet 3
10131 ENGL 102 906 Composition & Rhetoric II Lofton, Jennifer Internet 3
C 10133 ENGL 102 965 Composition & Rhetoric II Ekstrom, Alexandra Internet 3
10134 ENGL 102 975 Composition & Rhetoric II Smith, Joy Internet 3
10135 ENGL 201 901 Major British Writers Guerin, Karen Internet 3
11186 ENGL 201 965 Major British Writers Guerin, Karen Internet 3
C 10137 ENGL 202 975 Major American Writers Dawes, Jessica Internet 3
10655 FRSC 100 950 Principles of Emerg Services Bevan, Beau Internet 1
10656 FRSC 110 950 Bldg Const for Fire Protection Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10659 FRSC 120 975 Fire Behavior and Combustion Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10660 FRSC 130 975 Princ. Fire & Emer. Serv. Sfty Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10657 FRSC 220 950 Fire Prot. Hyd. & Water Supply Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10658 FRSC 230 950 Occp Sfty & Hlth for Fire Serv Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10661 FRSC 240 975 Strategy and Tactics Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10662 FRSC 250 975 Hazardous Materials Chemistry Bevan, Beau Internet 3
10344 FYSE 100 901 First Year Student Experience Lea, Melanie Internet 3
C 10345 FYSE 100 902 First Year Student Experience Mercer, Andrew Internet 3
10346 FYSE 100 903 First Year Student Experience Carroll-Jeter, Penny Internet 3
10348 FYSE 100 965 First Year Student Experience Mercer, Andrew Internet 3
C 10350 GPHY 101 901 Physical Geography Fricker, Tyler Internet 3
10548 HCM 201 901 Intro to Healthcare Management Richards, Kimberly Internet 3
10549 HCM 202 901 Healthcare Informatics Weaver, Paul Internet 3
10550 HCM 202 975 Healthcare Informatics Rao, Deepika Internet 3
10551 HCM 203 950 Supervision Turbeville, Rebecca Internet 3
10552 HCM 205 975 Risk and Insurance Harden, LeaShondria Internet 3
10553 HCM 226 975 Perspectives on Aging Richards, Kimberly Internet 3
10554 HCM 250 950 Small Business Management Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10555 HCM 290 975 Healthcare Law Gaines, Raymond Internet 3
10360 HIST 101 901 Western Civilization I Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10361 HIST 101 902 Western Civilization I Lord, Alana Internet 3
10790 HIST 101 903 Western Civilization I Ragan, Edward Internet 3
C 11180 HIST 101 965 Western Civilization I Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10365 HIST 102 965 Western Civilization II Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10366 HIST 102 975 Western Civilization II Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10369 HIST 201 901 American History I Ragan, Edward Internet 3
C 10370 HIST 201 902 American History I Lord, Alana Internet 3
C 10371 HIST 201 965 American History I Houston, Sherman Internet 3
C 10372 HIST 201 975 American History I McVey, Ashley Internet 3
10374 HIST 202 901 American History II Butler, Cynthia Internet 3
C 10375 HIST 202 965 American History II Butler, Cynthia Internet 3
C 10376 HIST 202 975 American History II Ragan, Edward Internet 3
C 10378 HIST 203 901 Louisiana History Butler, Cynthia Internet 3
C 10380 HIST 203 975 Louisiana History Price, Joy Internet 3
10351 HLPE 221 901 First Aid Phillips, Jon Internet 3
11192 HMAN 201 965 Prehistoric - Medieval Culture Guerin, Karen Internet 3
10044 HMAN 203 965 Film and Culture McDade, Kelly Internet 3
11234 ISAF 101 965 Industrial Safety Landry, Jonathan Internet 2
11071 ISAF 210 901 Indust Saf and OSHA Standards Landry, Jonathan Internet 3
10852 MATH 012L L07 College Algebra Coreq Lab Igo, Jennifer Internet 3
10874 MATH 012L L55 College Algebra Coreq Lab Densmore, Donna Internet 3
10877 MATH 012L L56 College Algebra Coreq Lab Voss, Sarah Internet 3
10879 MATH 012L L57 College Algebra Coreq Lab Robey, Skylar Internet 3
11076 MATH 012L L58 College Algebra Coreq Lab Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
11100 MATH 012L L59 College Algebra Coreq Lab Frilot, Clifton Internet 3
C 11182 MATH 012L L60 College Algebra Coreq Lab Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
10888 MATH 101 904 App Alg for Coll Students Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
11089 MATH 101 905 App Alg for Coll Students Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
10899 MATH 102 905 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
10900 MATH 102 906 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Internet 3
10902 MATH 102 908 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Internet 3
C 11198 MATH 102 965 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Internet 3
11275 MATH 102 975 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Internet 3
10876 MATH 102 L55 College Algebra Densmore, Donna Internet 3
10878 MATH 102 L56 College Algebra Voss, Sarah Internet 3
10881 MATH 102 L57 College Algebra Robey, Skylar Internet 3
11077 MATH 102 L58 College Algebra Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
11099 MATH 102 L59 College Algebra Frilot, Clifton Internet 3
C 11181 MATH 102 L60 College Algebra Salemme, Thyme Internet 3
10906 MATH 112 902 Trigonometry Densmore, Donna Internet 3
10910 MATH 114 903 Finite Math Davidson, Catherine Internet 3
11046 MATH 114 904 Finite Math Davidson, Catherine Internet 3
10913 MATH 124 902 Mathematical Concepts Igo, Jennifer Internet 3
11096 MATH 124 903 Mathematical Concepts Igo, Jennifer Internet 3
10914 MATH 129 902 Applied Technical Mathematics Voss, Sarah Internet 3
10915 MATH 210 902 Basic Statistics Robey, Skylar Internet 3
10916 MATH 217 901 Elementary Geometry Hardy, Deanna Internet 3
C 11043 MOS 101 950 Diseases & Cond. of Rural Com Taylor, Samantha Internet 3
C 11044 MOS 102 950 Introduction to Rural Health Taylor, Samantha Internet 3
10298 MOS 107 101 Medical Office Administration Butts, Connie Internet 3
10739 MOS 109 951 Survey of Medical Coding Zeringue, Ashley Internet 4
10738 MOS 110 975 Medical Coding I Zeringue, Ashley Internet 4
10693 MOS 113 901 Reimbursement Methodology Zeringue, Ashley Internet 3
C 11045 MOS 253 975 Code Sets in Rural Health Taylor, Samantha Internet 3
10455 MUSC 120 901 Music Appreciation Chandler, Gulnara Internet 3
10266 PHSC 105 901 Elemental Physics Reed, Charles Internet 3
10269 PHSC 105 902 Elemental Physics Reed, Charles Internet 3
11196 PHSC 107 965 Environmental Science Broxson, Matthew Internet 3
10268 PHSC 111 901 Physical Geology McNamara, Kerry Internet 3
10312 PNUR 101 901 Nursing as a Career Nelson, Sheryl Internet 1
10314 PNUR 101 902 Nursing as a Career Cannon, Amy Internet 1
10315 PNUR 101 903 Nursing as a Career Cannon, Amy Internet 1
10352 POSC 201 901 National Gov in US Trompe, Gregory Internet 3
C 10354 POSC 202 965 State and Local Gov. Trompe, Gregory Internet 3
11151 PRNU 110 101 Intro to Practical Nursing Snellgrove, Melissa Internet 3
10386 PSYC 201 901 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10387 PSYC 201 902 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10388 PSYC 201 903 Introduction to Psychology Green, Amber Internet 3
10389 PSYC 201 904 Introduction to Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
10390 PSYC 201 905 Introduction to Psychology Taylor, LaDonna Internet 3
10391 PSYC 201 950 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10392 PSYC 201 965 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
11184 PSYC 201 966 Introduction to Psychology Taylor, LaDonna Internet 3
11211 PSYC 201 967 Introduction to Psychology Taylor, LaDonna Internet 3
11227 PSYC 201 968 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Internet 3
10395 PSYC 201 975 Introduction to Psychology Green, Amber Internet 3
10396 PSYC 205 901 Child Psychology Green, Amber Internet 3
10398 PSYC 206 901 Adolescent Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
10443 PSYC 220 901 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
10444 PSYC 220 902 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
11133 PSYC 220 903 Developmental Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
C 10448 PSYC 220 965 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
10449 PSYC 220 975 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
11271 PSYC 220 976 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Internet 3
10450 PSYC 225 901 Loss and Death Green, Amber Internet 3
10812 PSYC 290 901 Social Psychology Nettles, Theresa Internet 3
10355 RLGN 203 901 World Religions Williamson, Aviva Internet 3
C 10260 SCI 101 901 Foundations in Science Reed, Charles Internet 3
10265 SCI 101 903 Foundations in Science Reed, Charles Internet 3
10261 SCI 101 950 Foundations in Science Mayadunne, Erandi Internet 3
C 10262 SCI 101 965 Foundations in Science Wheat, Jackson Internet 3
10264 SCI 102 902 Foundations in Science II Mayadunne, Erandi Internet 3
10263 SCI 102 975 Foundations in Science II Mayadunne, Erandi Internet 3
10404 SLGY 201 901 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Internet 3
10405 SLGY 201 902 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Internet 3
10406 SLGY 201 950 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Internet 3
C 10407 SLGY 201 965 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Internet 3
11309 SLGY 201 975 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Internet 3
C 10409 SLGY 202 965 Social Problems Theus, Sandra Internet 3
10411 SLGY 203 901 Marriage & Family Living Theus, Sandra Internet 3
10412 SLGY 207 965 Race, Class & Ethnicity Hinze, Wesley Internet 3
C 10356 SPAN 101 901 Elementary Spanish I Morales, Michael Internet 3
C 10357 SPAN 101 902 Elementary Spanish I Morales, Michael Internet 3
10755 SPAN 102 901 Elementary Spanish II McKellar, Kathryn Internet 3
10050 SPCH 110 901 Public Speaking Alexander, Robert Internet 3
10051 SPCH 110 902 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
10052 SPCH 110 903 Public Speaking Alexander, Robert Internet 3
10053 SPCH 110 904 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
10830 SPCH 110 965 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
11270 SPCH 110 975 Public Speaking Lea, Melanie Internet 3
10059 SPCH 115 901 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
10060 SPCH 115 902 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
10061 SPCH 115 950 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
11310 SPCH 115 975 Interpersonal Communication Leber, Rona Internet 3
C 11007 TEED 282 101 Industrial Eng Tech Field Exp Harner, Mark Internet 4
10031 THTR 101 901 Introduction to Theatre Boyter, James Internet 3
10805 THTR 101 975 Introduction to Theatre Boyter, James Internet 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Lab

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10316 ALHT 102L 101 Intro to Phlebotomy Lab Shepherd, Melissa Lab 0800 0925 H221 T R 1
10317 ALHT 102L 102 Intro to Phlebotomy Lab Shepherd, Melissa Lab 1100 1225 H221 T R 1
10297 ALHT 209 101 Laboratory Testing Shepherd, Melissa Lab 0800 1045 H221 M W 3
10202 BLGY 101L 101 General Biology I Lab Bryan, Ty Lab 1400 1630 B312 R 1
10216 BLGY 120L 101 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 0800 0915 B218 T R 1
10218 BLGY 120L 103 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 1230 1345 B218 T R 1
10336 BLGY 120L 501 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Weinreber, Aundrea Lab 1830 2000 B218 T R 1
11239 BLGY 120L 675 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Fields, Wendy Lab 1100 1215 H226 M W 1
10226 BLGY 202L 101 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Adams, Jamie Lab 1100 1215 B314 M W 1
10227 BLGY 202L 102 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Hendrix, Natalie Lab 1400 1515 B328 M W 1
10228 BLGY 202L 103 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Adams, Jamie Lab 1530 1645 B314 T R 1
C 10229 BLGY 202L 104 Micro Lab for Nurs and AH Hendrix, Natalie Lab 1230 1345 B328 T R 1
C 10241 BLGY 230L 102 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Lab 0930 1045 H230 T R 1
10246 BLGY 230L 104 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 0930 1045 H231 M W 1
10248 BLGY 230L 105 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Lab 1400 1515 H230 M W 1
C 10249 BLGY 230L 106 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 1100 1215 H231 M W 1
C 10251 BLGY 230L 108 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Fields, Wendy Lab 1100 1215 H231 T R 1
10252 BLGY 230L 109 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Bryan, Cammie Lab 1230 1345 H231 M W 1
11122 BLGY 230L 111 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Alam, Shafiul Lab 2000 2115 H230 M W 1
11241 BLGY 230L 675 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Robinson, Alexa Lab 0930 1045 H231 T R 1
11242 BLGY 230L 676 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Horton, Zachary Lab 0930 1045 H230 M W 1
11244 BLGY 230L 677 Human Anat and Phys I Lab Robinson, Alexa Lab 1100 1215 H230 M W 1
C 10255 BLGY 231L 102 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Islam, Mohammod Lab 1100 1215 H219 T R 1
C 10257 BLGY 231L 103 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Islam, Mohammod Lab 1230 1345 H220 T R 1
10258 BLGY 231L 104 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Islam, Mohammod Lab 1230 1345 H220 M W 1
11246 BLGY 231L 675 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Robinson, Alexa Lab 2000 2115 H220 T R 1
10276 CHEM 101L 101 General Chemistry I Lab McNamara, Kerry Lab 1100 1330 B311 T 1
10274 CHEM 107L 101 Introductory Chemistry Lab McNamara, Kerry Lab 1100 1330 B311 T 1
10869 CULA 140 101 Food Preparation Fundamentals Dupont, Julie Lab 0800 1200 F204 MTW 7
10869 CULA 140 101 Food Preparation Fundamentals Halliday, Joseph Lab 0800 1200 F204 MTW 7
10289 EMTP 100L 101 EMT Lab Bryant, Charles Lab 1230 1630 H311 M 1
C 10291 EMTP 100L 102 EMT Lab Bryant, Charles Lab 1230 1630 H311 T 1
10292 EMTP 100L 103 EMT Lab Young, Lynne Lab 1230 1630 H311 W 1
C 10938 EMTP 100L 502 EMT Lab Young, Lynne Lab 1730 2130 H311 W 1
10090 ENGL 011L L01 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 1000 1050 G206 M W F 3
10092 ENGL 011L L02 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 0930 1045 G206 T R 3
10094 ENGL 011L L03 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 1230 1345 G206 T R 3
10096 ENGL 011L L04 Composition Corequisite Lab Lofton, Jennifer Lab 1230 1345 E226 T R 3
10098 ENGL 011L L05 Composition Corequisite Lab Cooper, Yolanda Lab 1230 1345 G206 M W 3
10846 MATH 012L L04 College Algebra Coreq Lab Densmore, Donna Lab 0800 0915 E121 T R 3
C 10848 MATH 012L L05 College Algebra Coreq Lab Lee, Tracy Lab 0930 1045 E213 T R 3
10850 MATH 012L L06 College Algebra Coreq Lab Lee, Tracy Lab 1100 1215 E213 M W 3
10854 MATH 012L L10 College Algebra Coreq Lab Lee, Tracy Lab 1400 1515 E213 M W 3
10856 MATH 012L L14 College Algebra Coreq Lab Cox, Jennifer Lab 1230 1345 E317 M W 3
10858 MATH 012L L21 College Algebra Coreq Lab Melton, Amy Lab 1800 2050 E213 T 3
10946 MATH 012L L28 College Algebra Coreq Lab Jenkins, Steven Lab 0930 1045 G218 S 3
10416 NURS 200L 101 Nursing Fundamentals Lab Jorstad, Carole Lab 0800 1050 H323 W 1
10417 NURS 200L 102 Nursing Fundamentals Lab Cannon, Amy Lab 0800 1050 H322 W 1
10304 PHAR 102L 101 Pharmacy Practice/Lab Brummett, Karel Lab 0830 1100 H211 T R 2
C 10282 SONO 204L 801 Learning Lab Hester, Minnie Lab 1300 1600 H223 M 1
10032 THTR 105 101 Theatre Lab Production White, David Lab 1400 1600 C113 T 1
10033 THTR 105 102 Theatre Lab Production White, David Lab 1400 1600 C113 R 1
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Lecture and Lab

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10949 ALHT 112 101 Basic ECG McGee, Wendy Lect and Lab 1100 1400 B154 T R 4
10949 ALHT 112 101 Basic ECG Anderson, Jeffery Lect and Lab 1100 1400 B154 T R 4
10329 ALHT 201 101 Medical Supplies & Patient Pre Mullins, Erica Lect and Lab 1100 1400 B324 T R 4
10989 AMFG 110 101 MFG Materials and Methods Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 0930 1045 L108 T R 3
10634 AMFG 210 501 Computer Aided Manufacturing Lackman, Lamont Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L234 R 3
10306 OCTA 203 101 Physical Challenges to Occupat Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 0900 1100 M 3
10306 OCTA 203 101 Physical Challenges to Occupat Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 1200 1500 M 3
10307 OCTA 204 101 Psychosocial Challenges to Occ Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 0900 1200 R 3
10307 OCTA 204 101 Psychosocial Challenges to Occ Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 1300 1530 R 3
10308 OCTA 205 101 Deve Challenges to Occupation Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 0900 1500 T 3
10308 OCTA 205 101 Deve Challenges to Occupation Brandon, Kelly Lect and Lab 1300 1530 W 3
10309 OCTA 206 101 Therapeutic Interventions I Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 0800 0900 W 2
10309 OCTA 206 101 Therapeutic Interventions I Allison, Michele Lect and Lab 0900 1200 W 2
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Herrington, Willie Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Herrington, Willie Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Archibald, Stacie Lect and Lab 0945 1445 H325 MT 4.5
11150 PRNU 100 150 PN Fundamentals I Archibald, Stacie Lect and Lab 0800 1530 H325 RF 4.5
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Snellgrove, Melissa Lect and Lab 0945 1430 H325 MT 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Snellgrove, Melissa Lect and Lab 0800 1530 RF 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0945 1430 H325 MT 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Porter, Page Lect and Lab 0800 1530 RF 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0945 1430 H325 MT 4
10959 PRNU 130 175 PN Fundamentals II Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 1530 RF 4
10960 PRNU 150 101 PN Basic Pharmacology Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 0930 H325 MT 4
10960 PRNU 150 101 PN Basic Pharmacology Funderburk, Aletha Lect and Lab 0800 1530 W 4
10284 PTAP 202 101 Clinical Kinesiology Cox, Kimberly Lect and Lab 0900 1600 B233 W F 4
10285 PTAP 203 101 Orthopaedic Conditions Cox, Kimberly Lect and Lab 0900 1600 B233 T 3
10286 PTAP 204 101 Physical Therapy Procedures Bryant, Laura Lect and Lab 0900 1600 B233 R 3
10287 PTAP 205 101 Therapeutic Modalities Bryant, Laura Lect and Lab 0900 1200 B233 M 3
C 10561 TEED 101 101 Fund of Electricity and Lab I Harner, Mark Lect and Lab 1400 1645 L213 M W 4
10986 TEED 101 103 Fund of Electricity and Lab I Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 0800 1045 L213 M W 4
10564 TEED 101 501 Fund of Electricity and Lab I Harner, Mark Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L213 M W 4
10779 TEED 142 103 Print Reading for ENGR and Man Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 1100 1215 L213 M W 3
10578 TEED 143 501 Intro Computer Drafting Power, Eliot Lect and Lab 1700 1815 L234 M W 3
10591 TEED 153 101 Hydraulics/Fluid Dyn. Lab Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1400 1615 L215 T R 3
10988 TEED 201 102 Intro to Digital Elec & Prog Hickman, Jonathan Lect and Lab 0800 0915 L213 T R 3
10624 TEED 206 501 Electronics Equipment & Repair Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1700 1815 L213 T R 3
C 11075 TEED 208 502 Inter Prog Logic Cntlr & Lab Harner, Mark Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L216 T R 4
10985 TEED 252 102 Electric Motor Controls Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1100 1345 L215 T R 4
10629 TEED 260 501 Mechatronics Level 1 Hershberger, Dan Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L215 M W 4
10992 WELD 101 101 Survey of Welding Stutes, Guy Lect and Lab 1400 1645 L108 T R 4
10644 WELD 101 501 Survey of Welding Stevenson, Tommy Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L212 M W 4
10644 WELD 101 501 Survey of Welding Brownlee, Joseph Lect and Lab 1830 2115 L212 M W 4
10645 WELD 203 150 Adv Shield Metal Arc Welding Stevenson, Tommy Lect and Lab 0830 1330 L212 MTWR 4
10646 WELD 207 175 Adv Flx Cor & Gas Met Arc Wel Stevenson, Tommy Lect and Lab 0830 1330 L212 MTWR 4
10646 WELD 207 175 Adv Flx Cor & Gas Met Arc Wel Brownlee, Joseph Lect and Lab 0830 1330 L212 MTWR 4
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Lecture

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
C 10476 ACCT 205 101 Intro Financial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Lecture 0930 1045 G216 T R 3
10482 ACCT 206 101 Intro Managerial Accounting Grant, Daphnee Lecture 1100 1215 G216 T R 3
10313 ALHT 102 101 Introduction to Phlebotomy Shepherd, Melissa Lecture 0930 1045 H213 T R 3
10320 ALHT 109 101 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Lecture 1000 1050 B216 M W 2
10321 ALHT 109 102 Health Care Systems & Safety Mullins, Erica Lecture 0930 1020 B117 T R 2
10929 ALHT 115 175 Pharmacology for AH Students McGee, Wendy Lecture 1100 1315 B118 M W 3
10929 ALHT 115 175 Pharmacology for AH Students Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 1100 1315 B118 M W 3
10327 ALHT 116 101 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement McGee, Wendy Lecture 0900 0950 B118 M W F 3
10327 ALHT 116 101 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 0900 0950 B118 M W F 3
10328 ALHT 116 501 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement McGee, Wendy Lecture 1730 2030 B118 R 3
10328 ALHT 116 501 Pharm Dosage Cal & Measurement Maddry, Cathy Lecture 1730 2030 B118 R 3
10647 ALHT 203 151 Specialty Areas for Med Assist Mullins, Erica Lecture 1100 1400 M W 2
10832 ART 101 101 2-D Design Thompson, Lily Lecture 1230 1345 G303 M W 3
C 10139 ART 103 101 Drawing I Thompson, Lily Lecture 1230 1345 G303 T R 3
10142 ART 206 101 Introduction to Visual Arts McDade, Kelly Lecture 1000 1050 G304 M W F 3
10834 ART 250 501 3-D Design McDade, Kelly Lecture 1700 1945 G304 M 3
10488 BADM 105 101 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Lecture 0800 0915 G325 M W 3
C 10489 BADM 105 102 Gen. Business Administration Valcho, George Lecture 1100 1215 G325 T R 3
10496 BADM 108 101 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Lecture 0930 1045 G325 M W 3
10497 BADM 108 102 Finance Cason, Elisabeth Lecture 0930 1045 G325 T R 3
10508 BADM 201 101 Principles of Macroeconomics Manning, Nathaniel Lecture 1230 1345 G308 T R 3
10515 BADM 202 101 Principles of Microeconomics Manning, Nathaniel Lecture 0930 1045 G308 T R 3
10522 BADM 212 101 Principles of Management Turbeville, Rebecca Lecture 1100 1215 G207 T R 3
10528 BADM 213 101 Human Resource Management Turbeville, Rebecca Lecture 0800 0915 G207 M W 3
10532 BADM 214 101 Principles of Marketing Valcho, George Lecture 1230 1345 G325 T R 3
10537 BADM 215 101 Business Law Gaines, Raymond Lecture 0930 1045 G207 M W 3
10543 BADM 217 625 Organizational Behavior Gaines, Raymond Lecture 1230 1345 G207 M W 3
10200 BLGY 101 101 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Bryan, Ty Lecture 1100 1215 B220 T R 3
10201 BLGY 101 501 Gen BLGY 1 for Science Major Raymond, Larry Lecture 1700 1815 B110 M W 3
10204 BLGY 102 101 General Biology II Bryan, Ty Lecture 1100 1215 B220 M W 3
10206 BLGY 105 101 Elements of Biology I Adams, Jamie Lecture 0800 0915 B216 T R 3
10210 BLGY 110 101 Medical Terminology Cummings, Pamela Lecture 0800 0915 B228 M W 3
10211 BLGY 110 102 Medical Terminology Cummings, Pamela Lecture 0930 1045 E317 T R 3
11050 BLGY 110 103 Medical Terminology Cummings, Pamela Lecture 0800 0915 E317 T R 3
10966 BLGY 110 501 Medical Terminology Bryan, Joshua Lecture 1800 1915 B117 M W 3
11279 BLGY 110 575 Medical Terminology Horton, Zachary Lecture 1530 1815 B117 T R 3
10213 BLGY 120 101 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Bryan, Cammie Lecture 0930 1045 B220 T R 3
10214 BLGY 120 102 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Bryan, Cammie Lecture 1100 1215 B216 T R 3
10215 BLGY 120 103 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Adams, Jamie Lecture 0930 1045 B220 M W 3
10335 BLGY 120 501 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Bryan, Cammie Lecture 1700 1815 B220 T R 3
10221 BLGY 202 101 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Lecture 0930 1045 B228 M W 3
10222 BLGY 202 103 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Adams, Jamie Lecture 1100 1215 B228 T R 3
10223 BLGY 202 104 Microbiology for Nurs & AH Hendrix, Natalie Lecture 0930 1045 B228 T R 3
10240 BLGY 230 102 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Bryan, Ty Lecture 0930 1045 H131 M W 3
10244 BLGY 230 103 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0800 0915 H215 T R 3
10235 BLGY 230 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0800 0915 H215 M W 3
10238 BLGY 230 105 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0930 1045 H130 T R 3
10239 BLGY 230 106 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 0930 1045 H215 M W 3
10242 BLGY 230 107 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Fields, Wendy Lecture 1230 1345 H215 M W 3
10243 BLGY 230 108 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Horton, Zachary Lecture 1230 1345 H226 T R 3
11121 BLGY 230 110 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Alam, Shafiul Lecture 1830 1945 H215 M W 3
11240 BLGY 230 675 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Horton, Zachary Lecture 0800 0915 H226 M W 3
10254 BLGY 231 103 Anatomy and Physiology II Islam, Mohammod Lecture 0930 1045 H215 T R 3
10256 BLGY 231 105 Anatomy and Physiology II Horton, Zachary Lecture 1100 1215 H130 M W 3
11245 BLGY 231 675 Anatomy and Physiology II Robinson, Alexa Lecture 1830 1945 H220 T R 3
10275 CHEM 101 101 General Chemistry I McNamara, Kerry Lecture 0930 1045 B112 T R 3
10063 CJUS 101 101 Intr to Criminal Justice Spratley, Horace Lecture 0800 0850 E225 M W F 3
10068 CJUS 201 101 Criminal Law Sanders, Mallori Lecture 1100 1215 E225 T R 3
10077 CJUS 291 101 Criminal Evidence & Procedure Sanders, Mallori Lecture 0930 1045 E225 T R 3
10001 COMM 102 101 Live Video Productions Huntsberger, Emily Lecture 1100 1215 D348 M W 3
10004 COMM 120 101 Digital Media Survey Robison, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 D309 M W 3
10835 COMM 120 102 Digital Media Survey Johnson, Thomas Lecture 0930 1045 D348 M W 3
10005 COMM 125 101 Media Literacy Allen, Jackie Lecture 0930 1045 D127 T R 3
10838 COMM 135 101 Design for Media Thompson, Lily Lecture 1230 1345 G303 M W 3
10007 COMM 150 101 Video Production Techniques Allen, Jackie Lecture 0930 1215 D309 F 3
10008 COMM 153 101 Acting for Media Crawford, Ray Lecture 1100 1215 C113 M W 3
10009 COMM 160 101 Photography Wasserman, Jennifer Lecture 1230 1345 D309 T R 3
10011 COMM 170 101 Introduction to Mass Media Leber, Rona Lecture 1100 1215 D309 T R 3
10013 COMM 202 101 Video Editing Allen, Jackie Lecture 1400 1515 D127 M W 3
10840 COMM 203 101 Lighting Fundamentals White, David Lecture 1230 1345 C113 T R 3
10015 COMM 209 101 Scriptwriting for Film and TV Brown, Jonathan Lecture 1100 1215 D127 T R 3
10015 COMM 209 101 Scriptwriting for Film and TV Allen, Jackie Lecture 1100 1215 D127 T R 3
11188 COMM 215 175 Special Topics Wakefield, Samuel Lecture 1400 1630 D311 T R 3
10017 COMM 216 101 Adobe Photoshop Johnson, Thomas Lecture 1230 1345 D309 M W 3
10019 COMM 218 101 Adobe Illustrator Turner, Lauren Lecture 0930 1045 D309 T R 3
10843 COMM 225 101 Audio Production in Media Tingle, Jeremy Lecture 1230 1345 D127 T R 3
10022 COMM 239 101 Motion Graphics Turner, Lauren Lecture 1230 1345 D348 T R 3
10023 COMM 240 501 American Cinema Robison, Jennifer Lecture 1830 2115 D303 T 3
10024 COMM 248 101 Visual Storytelling Turner, Lauren Lecture 1100 1215 D309 M W 3
10844 COMM 267 101 Photography II Robison, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1215 D348 T 3
10028 COMM 270 101 Commercial Photography Robison, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1215 D348 T 3
10568 CTEC 100 101 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0800 0915 G320 M W 3
10571 CTEC 100 102 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0800 0915 G320 T R 3
10572 CTEC 100 103 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0930 1045 G320 M W 3
10575 CTEC 100 104 Computer Concepts Driver, Danielle Lecture 0930 1045 G320 T R 3
10859 CTEC 100 105 Computer Concepts Hall, Steven Lecture 1100 1215 G320 T R 3
10860 CTEC 100 106 Computer Concepts Hall, Steven Lecture 1230 1345 G320 M W 3
10861 CTEC 101 101 Info Technology Principles Hall, Steven Lecture 0930 1045 G317 M W 3
10862 CTEC 101 102 Info Technology Principles Hall, Steven Lecture 1230 1345 G317 T R 3
10598 CTEC 102 101 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Lecture 1230 1345 G214 M W 3
C 10863 CTEC 102 102 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Lecture 0930 1045 G214 T R 3
10602 CTEC 102 103 Prob Solving & Prog Techniques Green, Jeremy Lecture 0930 1045 G214 M W 3
10607 CTEC 104 101 Introduction to Scripting Green, Jeremy Lecture 1400 1515 G203 T R 3
10613 CTEC 107 101 Skills for IT Success Hall, Steven Lecture 1100 1215 G319 M W 3
10614 CTEC 107 102 Skills for IT Success Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 1100 1215 G218 T R 3
10627 CTEC 112 102 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Lecture 0930 1045 G317 T R 3
10626 CTEC 112 625 IT Hardware Support Freeman, Eric Lecture 1230 1345 G317 M W 3
10631 CTEC 114 102 IT Software Support Freeman, Eric Lecture 1100 1215 G317 T R 3
10610 CTEC 155 101 Network Essentials Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 0930 1045 G203 M W 3
10606 CTEC 170 101 Microsoft Windows Servers Haley, Randy Lecture 1100 1215 G203 M W 3
10604 CTEC 172 101 Linux Server Haley, Randy Lecture 1230 1345 G203 T R 3
C 10597 CTEC 255 101 CCNA I Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 1245 1445 G315 M W 4
10582 CTEC 287 101 Network Security Design Rondeau, Christopher Lecture 0930 1045 G315 T R 3
10728 EDUC 101 102 Introduction to Education Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1100 1215 E326 T R 3
10288 EMTP 100 101 Emergency Medical Technician Bossier, Maudie Lecture 0845 1045 H339 MTWR 8
10815 ENGL 011L L06 Composition Corequisite Lab Fontenot, Charles Lecture 1100 1215 G219 T R 3
10108 ENGL 101 116 Composition & Rhetoric I Ekstrom, Alexandra Lecture 0900 0950 G205 M W F 3
10109 ENGL 101 117 Composition & Rhetoric I Dawes, Jessica Lecture 0800 0915 G205 T R 3
10110 ENGL 101 118 Composition & Rhetoric I Smith, Joy Lecture 0930 1045 G205 T R 3
C 10111 ENGL 101 119 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Lecture 1100 1215 E151 M W 3
10826 ENGL 101 120 Composition & Rhetoric I Jones, Laura Lecture 0930 1045 E151 T R 3
10089 ENGL 101 L01 Composition & Rhetoric I Fontenot, Charles Lecture 0900 0950 G206 M W F 3
10091 ENGL 101 L02 Composition & Rhetoric I Brown, Jonathan Lecture 0800 0915 G206 T R 3
10093 ENGL 101 L03 Composition & Rhetoric I Ekstrom, Alexandra Lecture 1100 1215 G206 T R 3
10095 ENGL 101 L04 Composition & Rhetoric I Smith, Joy Lecture 1100 1215 E226 T R 3
10814 ENGL 101 L06 Composition & Rhetoric I Vines, Daniel Lecture 0930 1045 G219 T R 3
10121 ENGL 102 101 Composition & Rhetoric II Lofton, Jennifer Lecture 0900 0950 E226 M W F 3
C 10122 ENGL 102 102 Composition & Rhetoric II Vines, Daniel Lecture 1100 1215 E226 M W 3
10123 ENGL 102 103 Composition & Rhetoric II Dawes, Jessica Lecture 0800 0915 G219 M W 3
C 10124 ENGL 102 104 Composition & Rhetoric II Jones, Laura Lecture 1100 1215 E151 T R 3
10664 ENGR 100 101 Engineering Fundamentals Lackman, Lamont Lecture 1230 1415 L228 M W 3
10343 FYSE 100 103 First Year Student Experience Mercer, Andrew Lecture 1100 1215 E303 T R 3
10359 HIST 101 101 Western Civilization I Ragan, Edward Lecture 1000 1050 E203 M W F 3
10367 HIST 201 101 American History I Ragan, Edward Lecture 1230 1345 E203 M W 3
10368 HIST 201 102 American History I Butler, Cynthia Lecture 0930 1045 E203 T R 3
10373 HIST 202 101 American History II Butler, Cynthia Lecture 1100 1215 E203 T R 3
10884 MATH 101 102 App Alg for Coll Students Cox, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 E221 M W 3
10891 MATH 102 108 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 0800 0915 E224 M W 3
10893 MATH 102 109 College Algebra Small, Lindsay Lecture 0930 1045 E321 M W 3
10894 MATH 102 110 College Algebra Igo, Jennifer Lecture 1230 1345 E314 M W 3
10895 MATH 102 111 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 0800 0915 E224 T R 3
10896 MATH 102 112 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 0930 1045 E224 T R 3
10897 MATH 102 113 College Algebra Hardy, Deanna Lecture 1100 1215 E224 T R 3
10847 MATH 102 L04 College Algebra Densmore, Donna Lecture 0800 0915 E121 M W 3
C 10849 MATH 102 L05 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Lecture 0930 1045 E213 M W 3
10851 MATH 102 L06 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Lecture 1100 1215 E213 T R 3
10853 MATH 102 L07 College Algebra Igo, Jennifer Lecture 1100 1215 E314 T R 3
10855 MATH 102 L10 College Algebra Lee, Tracy Lecture 1400 1515 E213 T R 3
10857 MATH 102 L14 College Algebra Cox, Jennifer Lecture 1230 1345 E317 T R 3
10868 MATH 102 L21 College Algebra Melton, Amy Lecture 1800 2050 E213 R 3
10948 MATH 102 L28 College Algebra Jenkins, Steven Lecture 0800 0915 G218 S 3
10905 MATH 112 102 Trigonometry Igo, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 E314 T R 3
10907 MATH 113 102 Algebra and Trigonometry Densmore, Donna Lecture 0930 1045 E121 MTWR 6
10908 MATH 114 103 Finite Math Small, Lindsay Lecture 0930 1045 E321 T R 3
10909 MATH 114 502 Finite Math Debello, Jennifer Lecture 1830 1945 E314 M W 3
10911 MATH 124 106 Mathematical Concepts Igo, Jennifer Lecture 1100 1215 E314 M W 3
10912 MATH 124 107 Mathematical Concepts Cox, Jennifer Lecture 0930 1045 E221 T R 3
10917 MATH 250 102 Calculus I Small, Lindsay Lecture 1100 1150 E321 M W 5
10917 MATH 250 102 Calculus I Small, Lindsay Lecture 1100 1215 E321 T R 5
10945 MATH 252 101 Calculus III Cox, Jennifer Lecture 1100 1215 E221 T R 3
10694 MUSC 100 101 Music Fundamentals Beagley, Ted Lecture 0930 1045 G321 T R 3
10452 MUSC 110 101 Class Piano I Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1100 1215 C122 M W 2
10831 MUSC 111 101 Class Piano II Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1100 1215 C122 M W 2
10453 MUSC 113 101 Ear Training/Sightsinging II Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 1230 1345 G321 T R 1
10456 MUSC 123 101 Music Theory II Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 0930 1045 G321 M W 3
11187 MUSC 140 625 Concert Band Beagley, Ted Lecture 1100 1215 C123 T R 1
10457 MUSC 148 101 Concert Choir Jackson, Jennifer Lecture 1630 1745 C123 M W 1
10458 MUSC 230 101 Applied Piano Chandler, Gulnara Lecture 2
C 10459 MUSC 231 101 Applied Voice Crawford, Ray Lecture 2
10460 MUSC 231 102 Applied Voice Fortenberry, Sarah Lecture 2
C 11225 MUSC 231 625 Applied Voice Fortenberry, Sarah Lecture 2
10414 NURS 200 101 Fundamentals of Nursing Jorstad, Carole Lecture 0800 1050 H323 MT 6
10415 NURS 200 102 Fundamentals of Nursing Cannon, Amy Lecture 0800 1050 H322 MT 6
10418 NURS 201 101 Adult Nursing I Covington, Ginger Lecture 0800 1150 H131 R 4
10419 NURS 201 102 Adult Nursing I Covington, Ginger Lecture 0800 1150 H131 R 4
10424 NURS 204 101 LPN to RN Transition Herrington, Amanda Lecture 1000 1150 H322 F 2
10425 NURS 205 101 Pharmacology I Bohl, Christine Lecture 1300 1400 H131 R 1
10426 NURS 205 102 Pharmacology I Bohl, Christine Lecture 1300 1400 H131 R 1
10764 NURS 210 103 Pediatric Nursing Preimesberger, Angela Lecture 0800 0950 H217 F 2
10762 NURS 210 150 Pediatric Nursing Preimesberger, Angela Lecture 0800 0950 H217 WR 2
10763 NURS 210 175 Pediatric Nursing Preimesberger, Angela Lecture 0800 0950 H217 WR 2
10427 NURS 211 101 Adult Nursing II Bohl, Christine Lecture 1000 1250 H131 F 3
11026 NURS 211 103 Adult Nursing II Bohl, Christine Lecture 1000 1250 H131 F 3
10431 NURS 214 101 Pharmacology II Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 1400 1450 H131 F 1
11029 NURS 214 102 Pharmacology II Richardson, Kathryn Lecture 1400 1450 F 1
10767 NURS 220 150 Women's Health Nursing Lawrence, Kelley Lecture 1000 1150 H217 WR 2
10768 NURS 220 175 Women's Health Nursing Lawrence, Kelley Lecture 1000 1150 H217 WR 2
11032 NURS 221 101 Adult Nursing III Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 0800 1150 H131 T 4
10432 NURS 221 102 Adult Nursing III Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 0800 1150 H131 T 4
11033 NURS 223 101 Mental Health Nursing Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1000 1150 H130 F 2
10434 NURS 223 102 Mental Health Nursing Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1000 1150 H130 F 2
11035 NURS 226 101 Pharmacology III Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1300 1350 H131 T 1
10438 NURS 226 102 Pharmacology III Petchak, Melanie Lecture 1300 1350 H217 T 1
10439 NURS 230 101 Nursing Career Success Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 1400 1450 H217 T 1
11036 NURS 230 102 Nursing Career Success Nelson, Sheryl Lecture 1400 1450 H131 T 1
10310 OCTA 208 101 Clinical Documentation I Allison, Michele Lecture 0900 1100 B307 F 2
11002 OGPT 101 101 Intro Explr & Prod Oil & Gas Landry, Jonathan Lecture 1830 2115 L134 T 3
10302 PHAR 101 101 Intro to Pharmacy Technology Brummett, Karel Lecture 1300 1350 H211 T 1
10303 PHAR 102 101 Pharmacy Practice Brummett, Karel Lecture 1130 1230 H211 T R 3
10305 PHAR 104 101 Pharmacology for Pharm Tech Brummett, Karel Lecture 1015 1245 H211 M W 5
10270 PHSC 105 101 Elemental Physics McNamara, Kerry Lecture 0930 1045 B112 M W 3
10338 PHSC 105 102 Elemental Physics McNamara, Kerry Lecture 1100 1215 B110 M W 3
11189 PHYS 212 801 Physics Eng. & Science II Reed, Charles Lecture 1230 1345 B117 T R 3
10954 PRNU 140 151 PN Med Surg I Snellgrove, Melissa Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10954 PRNU 140 151 PN Med Surg I Ebarb, Stacy Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10958 PRNU 165 102 PN Pharmacology I Herrington, Willie Lecture 1400 1530 H216 M F 3
10958 PRNU 165 102 PN Pharmacology I Coyle, Cassandra Lecture 1400 1530 H216 M F 3
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Snellgrove, Melissa Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Ebarb, Stacy Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Herrington, Willie Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10956 PRNU 220 175 PN Med Surg II Archibald, Stacie Lecture 0800 1400 H216 M F 5
10950 PRNU 260 101 PN Med Surg III Herrington, Willie Lecture 0800 1100 H213 M F 5
10953 PRNU 265 102 PN Pharmacology II Coyle, Cassandra Lecture 1100 1230 H213 M F 2
10952 PRNU 270 102 PN Leadership Snellgrove, Melissa Lecture 1330 1550 H213 M F 2
10381 PSYC 201 101 Introduction to Psychology Nettles, Theresa Lecture 0930 1045 E147 T R 3
10382 PSYC 201 102 Introduction to Psychology Johnson, Karen Lecture 1230 1345 E306 T R 3
10400 PSYC 220 101 Developmental Psychology Nettles, Theresa Lecture 1100 1215 E147 T R 3
10420 PSYC 220 102 Developmental Psychology Young, Dawn Lecture 1400 1515 E313 M W 3
11017 RSTH 202 675 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 0900 1600 M W F 4
11017 RSTH 202 675 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 1300 1600 R 4
11018 RSTH 202 676 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 0900 1600 H M W F 4
11018 RSTH 202 676 Respiratory Care Fundamentals Gilmore, Timothy Lecture 1300 1600 H R 4
11020 RSTH 204 675 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology Duck, Caitlin Lecture 0900 1200 H T 3
11021 RSTH 204 676 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology Duck, Caitlin Lecture 0900 1200 H T 3
11019 RSTH 210 675 Clinical Appl and Proc I Danzy, Jillian Lecture 0700 1900 H M W F 2
11022 RSTH 220 675 Pulmonary Disease Duck, Caitlin Lecture 1300 1600 T 3
11023 RSTH 220 676 Pulmonary Disease Duck, Caitlin Lecture 1300 1600 H T 3
11024 RSTH 226 675 Respiratory Care Seminar I Michel, Lindsay Lecture 0900 1200 H R 2
11025 RSTH 226 676 Respiratory Care Seminar I Michel, Lindsay Lecture 0900 1200 H R 2
C 11040 RSTH 265 101 Clin App and Proc III Danzy, Jillian Lecture 0700 1900 M W F 2
10259 SCI 101 101 Foundations in Science Wheat, Jackson Lecture 1100 1215 B215 T R 3
11190 SCI 101 801 Foundations in Science Reed, Charles Lecture 1400 1515 B215 M 3
10560 SLGY 201 101 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Lecture 0930 1045 E147 M W 3
10401 SLGY 201 102 Introduction to Sociology Theus, Sandra Lecture 0930 1045 E204 T R 3
11256 SLGY 201 966 Introduction to Sociology Hinze, Wesley Lecture 3
10045 SPCH 110 101 Public Speaking Alexander, Robert Lecture 1230 1345 G324 M W 3
10046 SPCH 110 102 Public Speaking Crawford, Ray Lecture 0930 1045 D303 T R 3
10058 SPCH 115 101 Interpersonal Communication Lea, Melanie Lecture 1100 1215 D303 T R 3
10299 STEC 110 101 Surgical Procedures I Zeigler, Rashette Lecture 0930 1045 B221 MT 3
10300 STEC 111 101 Clinical Specialties Zeigler, Rashette Lecture 1100 1215 B221 MT 3
10987 TEED 150 101 Pneumatics Hickman, Jonathan Lecture 1530 1645 L215 M W 3
10599 TEED 161 501 SolidWorks 3D Lackman, Lamont Lecture 1700 1815 L234 T R 3
10806 THTR 113 101 Lighting Fundamentals White, David Lecture 1230 1345 C113 T R 3
10035 THTR 131 101 Elements of Theatre Crawford, Ray Lecture 0930 1045 D127 M W 3
10036 THTR 153 101 Acting I Crawford, Ray Lecture 1100 1215 C113 M W 3
10037 THTR 159 101 Musical Theatre Performance Crawford, Ray Lecture 1100 1215 C113 T R 3
C 10038 THTR 211 101 Theatre Arts Apprenticeship Crawford, Ray Lecture 3
C 11243 THTR 211 175 Theatre Arts Apprenticeship Crawford, Ray Lecture 3
10808 THTR 221 101 Costume Design Leber, Rona Lecture 1400 1515 C140 M W 3
10042 THTR 260 101 Special Projects Crawford, Ray Lecture 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Practicum

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
C 10428 NURS 212 101 Adult Practicum II Covington, Ginger Practicum MT 3
C 10428 NURS 212 101 Adult Practicum II Fourcade, Susan Practicum MT 3
C 10428 NURS 212 101 Adult Practicum II Bohl, Christine Practicum MT 3
11028 NURS 212 102 Adult Practicum II Richardson, Kathryn Practicum 0630 1830 MT 3
10429 NURS 212 675 Adult Practicum II Covington, Ginger Practicum S 3
C 10765 NURS 213 150 Pediatric Practicum Preimesberger, Angela Practicum 0630 1530 MT 1
10766 NURS 213 175 Pediatric Practicum Preimesberger, Angela Practicum 0630 1530 MT 1
10430 NURS 213 675 Pediatric Practicum Preimesberger, Angela Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
10430 NURS 213 675 Pediatric Practicum Fourcade, Susan Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
C 10433 NURS 222 101 Adult Practicum III Doucet-Davis, Kaylsea Practicum 0630 1500 WR 3
C 10433 NURS 222 101 Adult Practicum III Nelson, Sheryl Practicum 0630 1500 WR 3
C 10433 NURS 222 101 Adult Practicum III Herrington, Amanda Practicum 0630 1500 WR 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Richardson, Kathryn Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Nelson, Sheryl Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Bergeron, Terrie Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Herrington, Amanda Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
10772 NURS 222 675 Adult Practicum III Holsapple, Ambrosia Practicum 0630 1830 S 3
11034 NURS 224 101 Women's Health Practicum Richardson, Kathryn Practicum 0630 1830 MT 1
C 10770 NURS 224 150 Women's Health Practicum Lawrence, Kelley Practicum 0630 1500 MT 1
10771 NURS 224 175 Women's Health Practicum Lawrence, Kelley Practicum 0630 1500 MT 1
10435 NURS 224 675 Women's Health Practicum Latiolais, Traci Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
C 10436 NURS 225 101 Mental Health Practicum Petchak, Melanie Practicum 0630 1500 WR 1
10437 NURS 225 675 Mental Health Practicum Petchak, Melanie Practicum 0630 1830 S 1
C 10283 SONO 205 801 Clinical Practicum I Hester, Minnie Practicum 0800 1630 TW F 2
10301 STEC 112 101 Surgical Practicum I Zeigler, Rashette Practicum WRF 6
10301 STEC 112 101 Surgical Practicum I Barry, Ramona Practicum WRF 6
10301 STEC 112 101 Surgical Practicum I Huff, Ginger Practicum WRF 6
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Natchitoches Campus Session A

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11037 ALHT 102 102 Introduction to Phlebotomy Molina, Rebecca Lecture 0800 1050 T 3
11038 ALHT 102L 103 Intro to Phlebotomy Lab Molina, Rebecca Lab 0800 1050 R 1
11008 ALHT 112 102 Basic ECG Asbell, Danny Lecture 1200 1500 A160 T R 4
10684 AMFG 107 101 Mfg Safety, Qual & Measurement Sapkota, Nabin Lect and Lab 1130 1540 A130 T 3
11092 AMFG 107 102 Mfg Safety, Qual & Measurement Stewart, Michael Lect and Lab 0800 0915 A182 T R 3
10685 AMFG 108 101 Mfg Process, Prod & Maint Awar Sapkota, Nabin Lect and Lab 0800 1210 A130 F 3
11093 AMFG 108 102 Mfg Process, Prod & Maint Awar Stewart, Michael Lect and Lab 0800 1050 A182 F 3
C 11041 BLGY 110 903 Medical Terminology Mitchell, Lauren Internet 3
11059 BLGY 120L 901 Intro Human Anat & Physio Lab Mitchell, Lauren Internet 1
10880 COSM 111 101 Intro to Decontam & Infection Smith, Latonya Lect and Lab 0800 0930 A118 MTWR 3
10889 COSM 112 101 Properties-Skin, Scalp, Hair Smith, Latonya Lect and Lab 0930 1030 A118 MTWR 2
10890 COSM 113 101 Shampoo, Rinse, & Condition Brown, Cha'Ree Lect and Lab 1030 1200 A118 MTWR 3
10892 COSM 121 101 Cells, Anatomy, & Physiology Smith, Latonya Lect and Lab 1500 1600 A118 MTWR 2
10882 COSM 123 101 Wet Hair Styling Paul, Dagabrielle Lect and Lab 1230 1500 A118 MTWR 4
10883 COSM 132 101 Permanent Waving Brown, Cha'Ree Lect and Lab 1230 1500 A118 MTWR 5
10885 COSM 252 101 Artistry of Artificial Hair Brown, Cha'Ree Lect and Lab 1600 1700 A118 MTWR 2
10887 COSM 254 101 Salon Management Paul, Dagabrielle Lect and Lab 0930 1130 A118 MTWR 4
10723 EMTP 100 501 Emergency Medical Technician Asbell, Danny Lecture 1730 2130 MT 8
10724 EMTP 100L 503 EMT Lab Asbell, Danny Lab 1730 2130 R 1
10965 ENGL 101 121 Composition & Rhetoric I Zbitkovskis, Oona Lecture 1230 1345 A147 M W 3
10997 HACR 251 101 Res Air Conditioning I Guy, Lucas Lect and Lab 0800 0930 T R 3
10997 HACR 251 101 Res Air Conditioning I Brownlee, Joseph Lect and Lab 0800 0930 T R 3
10998 HACR 252 101 Res Air Conditioning II Guy, Lucas Lect and Lab 0945 1115 T R 3
10998 HACR 252 101 Res Air Conditioning II Brownlee, Joseph Lect and Lab 0945 1115 T R 3
10999 HACR 253 101 Res System Design Guy, Lucas Lect and Lab 0800 0930 M W 3
10999 HACR 253 101 Res System Design Brownlee, Joseph Lect and Lab 0800 0930 M W 3
11000 HACR 254 101 Res Heating I Guy, Lucas Lect and Lab 0945 1115 M W 3
11001 HACR 255 101 Res Heating II Guy, Lucas Lect and Lab 1130 1300 M W 3
10686 ISAF 101 101 Industrial Safety Islam, Atm Lect and Lab 1230 1410 A130 R 2
11095 MATH 129 101 Applied Technical Mathematics Self, Juanita Lecture 0930 1045 A147 T R 3
11095 MATH 129 101 Applied Technical Mathematics Brownlee, Joseph Lecture 0930 1045 A147 T R 3
11006 PRNU 110 902 Intro to Practical Nursing McDonald, Kayla Internet 3
11090 PRNU 110 903 Intro to Practical Nursing Molina, Rebecca Internet 3
10932 PRNU 165 101 PN Pharmacology I McDonald, Kayla Lecture 1200 1300 TW 3
10973 PRNU 260 102 PN Med Surg III Fredieu, Brandi Lecture 1200 1600 A144 R 5
10974 PRNU 261 102 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Rachal, Morgan Clinical 0645 1500 A144 M F 3
10974 PRNU 261 102 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Fredieu, Brandi Clinical 0645 1500 A144 M F 3
10974 PRNU 261 102 PN Med Surg III Clinicals Molina, Rebecca Clinical 0645 1500 A144 M F 3
10933 PRNU 265 101 PN Pharmacology II McDonald, Kayla Lecture 0800 0900 TW 2
10934 PRNU 270 101 PN Leadership Possoit, Shari Lecture 1400 1530 TW 2
11098 TEED 105 101 Basic Process Control Guy, Lucas Lect and Lab 1230 1500 A130 R 3
11131 TEED 142 102 Print Reading for ENGR and Man Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 A130 MTWRF 3
11132 TEED 142 105 Print Reading for ENGR and Man Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1300 A130 MTWRF 3
10984 TEED 142 901 Print Reading for ENGR and Man McKnight, Dennie Internet 3
10681 TEED 200 101 INTRO TO PLC'S Islam, Atm Lect and Lab 0800 1050 A130 T R 3
10682 TEED 203 101 Intro to Ind Cont, Comp & Equi Islam, Atm Lect and Lab 1230 1500 A130 T 3
10683 TEED 205 101 Millwright Sapkota, Nabin Lect and Lab 1300 1630 A182 F 4
11094 TEED 205 102 Millwright Stewart, Michael Lect and Lab 0900 1050 A182 M W 4
10730 WELD 100 102 Welding Orientation and Safety Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
10731 WELD 100 103 Welding Orientation and Safety Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
11101 WELD 102 102 Welding Inspection & Testing Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 2
11102 WELD 102 103 Welding Inspection & Testing Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 2
11103 WELD 110 103 SMAW V-Groove Open Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
11104 WELD 110 104 SMAW V-Groove Open Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
11105 WELD 118 103 SMAW Pipe Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 4
11106 WELD 118 104 SMAW Pipe Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 4
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Natchitoches Campus Session B

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10669 PNUR 102 150 Nursing Assistant Fundamentals Fredieu, Brandi Lab 0800 1000 MTWRF 4
10930 PRNU 140 150 PN Med Surg I Possoit, Shari Lecture 0800 1300 TW 5
10931 PRNU 141 150 PN Med Surg I Clinical Rachal, Morgan Clinical 0645 1545 M RF 3
10931 PRNU 141 150 PN Med Surg I Clinical Molina, Rebecca Clinical 0645 1545 M RF 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Natchitoches Campus Session C

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10670 PNUR 103 175 Nurse Asst Skills Application Fredieu, Brandi Lab 0730 1030 MTWRF 1
10671 PRNU 220 150 PN Med Surg II Possoit, Shari Lecture 1100 1600 TW 5
10672 PRNU 221 150 PN Med Surg II Clinical Rachal, Morgan Clinical 0645 1545 M RF 3
10672 PRNU 221 150 PN Med Surg II Clinical Fredieu, Brandi Clinical 0645 1545 M RF 3
10672 PRNU 221 150 PN Med Surg II Clinical Molina, Rebecca Clinical 0645 1545 M RF 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Natchitoches Campus Session J

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11199 BLGY 110 625 Medical Terminology Land, Michael Lecture 1000 1100 A M W F 3
11205 BLGY 120 626 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Mitchell, Lauren Lecture 1230 1345 A W F 3
C 11210 BLGY 120 627 Intro Human Anat & Physiology Land, Michael Lecture 1100 1315 A T R 3
11194 MATH 129 S25 Applied Technical Mathematics Davidson, Catherine Internet 1700 1815 M W 3
10732 WELD 104 625 Oxyfuel Syst & Cutting Process Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
10733 WELD 104 626 Oxyfuel Syst & Cutting Process Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
10734 WELD 106 625 SMAW Basic Beads & Fillet Weld Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
10735 WELD 106 626 SMAW Basic Beads & Fillet Weld Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
10736 WELD 108 625 SMAW V-Groove BU/Gouge Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
10737 WELD 108 626 SMAW V-Groove BU/Gouge Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
11202 WELD 112 626 FCAW Bsc Wld/Bsc Groove W Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1230 1500 MTWRF 3
11203 WELD 114 626 GTAW Basic Fillet Weld/V-Groov Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1230 1500 MTWRF 3
11204 WELD 116 626 GMAW Basic Fillet Weld/V-Groov Mashburn, James Lect and Lab 1230 1500 MTWRF 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Natchitoches Campus Session Special 02

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
11247 WELD 100 675 Welding Orientation and Safety Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 M W 3
11248 WELD 102 675 Welding Inspection & Testing Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 M W 2
11249 WELD 104 675 Oxyfuel Syst & Cutting Process Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 T R 3
11250 WELD 106 675 SMAW Basic Beads & Fillet Weld Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 T R 3
11251 WELD 108 675 SMAW V-Groove BU/Gouge Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 M W 3
11252 WELD 110 675 SMAW V-Groove Open Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 M W 3
11253 WELD 112 675 FCAW Bsc Wld/Bsc Groove W Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 T R 3
11171 WELD 114 675 GTAW Basic Fillet Weld/V-Groov Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 T R 3
11170 WELD 116 675 GMAW Basic Fillet Weld/V-Groov Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 T R 3
11254 WELD 118 675 SMAW Pipe Sarpy, Keith Lect and Lab 0800 1630 M W 4
11255 WELD 120 675 GTAW Pipe Sarpy, Keith Lab 0800 1630 MTWR 4
10995 WELD 122 675 GMAW Pipe Mashburn, James Lab 0800 1500 MTWR 4
11166 WELD 124 675 FCAW Pipe Sarpy, Keith Lab 0800 1630 MTWR 4
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Sabine Valley Campus Session A

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10976 TEED 101 102 Fund of Electricity and Lab I McKnight, Dennie Lect and Lab 1100 1300 A32 M W F 4
10975 TEED 103 101 Residential Wiring McKnight, Dennie Lect and Lab 0800 1045 A32 M W F 6
10983 TEED 104 101 Electrical Raceways McKnight, Dennie Lect and Lab 1400 1600 A32 T R 3
10980 TEED 132 101 National Electrical Code McKnight, Dennie Lecture 0800 0915 A32 T R 3
10978 TEED 201 101 Intro to Digital Elec & Prog McKnight, Dennie Lect and Lab 1600 1700 A32 M W F 3
10982 TEED 230 101 Generators & Transformer OPS McKnight, Dennie Lect and Lab 1100 1300 A32 T R 3
10977 TEED 252 101 Electric Motor Controls McKnight, Dennie Lect and Lab 1330 1530 A32 M W F 4
10968 WELD 100 105 Welding Orientation and Safety Corley, Bradley Lab 0800 1500 A48 MTWRF 3
11107 WELD 100 106 Welding Orientation and Safety Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
11108 WELD 100 107 Welding Orientation and Safety Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
11109 WELD 102 104 Welding Inspection & Testing Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 2
11110 WELD 102 105 Welding Inspection & Testing Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 2
10722 WELD 104 102 Oxyfuel Syst & Cutting Process Corley, Bradley Lab 0800 1000 MTWRF 3
11111 WELD 104 103 Oxyfuel Syst & Cutting Process Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
11112 WELD 104 104 Oxyfuel Syst & Cutting Process Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
10721 WELD 106 102 SMAW Basic Beads & Fillet Weld Corley, Bradley Lab 1000 1200 MTWRF 3
11113 WELD 106 103 SMAW Basic Beads & Fillet Weld Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
11114 WELD 106 104 SMAW Basic Beads & Fillet Weld Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
10716 WELD 108 102 SMAW V-Groove BU/Gouge Corley, Bradley Lab 1000 1200 MTWRF 3
11115 WELD 108 103 SMAW V-Groove BU/Gouge Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
11116 WELD 108 104 SMAW V-Groove BU/Gouge Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
10717 WELD 110 102 SMAW V-Groove Open Corley, Bradley Lab 1000 1200 MTWRF 3
11117 WELD 110 105 SMAW V-Groove Open Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 3
11118 WELD 110 106 SMAW V-Groove Open Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 3
10970 WELD 112 102 FCAW Bsc Wld/Bsc Groove W Corley, Bradley Lab 0800 1500 A48 MTWRF 3
10720 WELD 114 102 GTAW Basic Fillet Weld/V-Groov Corley, Bradley Lab 1300 1500 MTWRF 3
10971 WELD 116 102 GMAW Basic Fillet Weld/V-Groov Corley, Bradley Lab 0800 1500 A48 MTWRF 3
10718 WELD 118 102 SMAW Pipe Corley, Bradley Lab 1300 1500 MTWRF 4
11119 WELD 118 105 SMAW Pipe Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 0800 1100 MTWRF 4
11120 WELD 118 106 SMAW Pipe Corley, Bradley Lect and Lab 1200 1500 MTWRF 4
10719 WELD 120 101 GTAW Pipe Corley, Bradley Lab 1300 1500 MTWRF 4
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Sabine Valley Campus Session B

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10936 PNUR 102 151 Nursing Assistant Fundamentals Sculthorpe, Miranda Lecture 0800 1000 MTWRF 4
10936 PNUR 102 151 Nursing Assistant Fundamentals McDonald, Kayla Lecture 0800 1000 MTWRF 4
10972 TEED 142 150 Print Reading for ENGR and Man Corley, Bradley Lab 0800 1500 A48 MTWRF 3
Bossier Parish Community College
FALL 2024 Credit Courses Schedule of Classes - Sabine Valley Campus Session C

Status CRN Course Sect Title Instructor Course Type Times Location Days Credit Hours
10937 PNUR 103 176 Nurse Asst Skills Application Sculthorpe, Miranda Clinical 0730 1030 MTWRF 1
10937 PNUR 103 176 Nurse Asst Skills Application McDonald, Kayla Clinical 0730 1030 MTWRF 1
10969 WELD 102 175 Welding Inspection & Testing Corley, Bradley Lab 0800 1500 A48 MTWRF 2